Lawrence characteristically turns it into an elemental moment, fraught with Biblical overtones (the ‘agony’ of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane) which would have infuriated Christian traditionalists. 2) But barely is the sentence over before we are swept away on a great wind of gassy abstract...
As a parent or grandparent, are you looking for beautifully illustrated Christian storybooks that will help you to reinforce a biblical worldview in your children? Reading great stories to your small children is still one of the best ways to instill a biblical worldview in their hearts and mi...
The Question of a Christian Worldview: Books by Nancy Pearcey and David NaugleJames W. Skillen
(By the way, I especially love the one in this series called Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life: From the Cross, for the World written by former Lancaster Bible College prof Steve Nichols, who I mentioned above [Crossway; $19.99.]) Impressive. Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and...
This website is the page for Author Jason E. Fort, author of The Decapolis Man, the Christian Thrillers series THE KNOX MISSION and all other stories in the John Knox universe, and Fort family memoirs. Fortress Books is a sole proprietorship owned and op
Strengthen your biblical worldview and the faith of your family as we host conversations about homeschooling for the real world, the latest Creation science researc…
What distinguishes us most is our enthusiasm for the development of a uniquely Christian worldview where Christ’s Lordship is honored and lived out in relevant ways in the midst of our highly secularized, post-modern culture. We offer quality books for the sake of faithful Christian living. ...
Olasky, Marvin TELLING THE TRUTH: How to Revitalize Christian Journalism OLIPHANT, JAS. H. Thoughts on the Will Orr, James Christian View of God and the World Creator Owen, John (1616-1683) The Death of Death (Highly Recommended) A Display of Arminianism Being Spiritually Minded Of the Morti...
‘epicurean’ is almost an insult: simply because the Christians completely rejected this worldview, and we have inherited the Christian disdain for Epicurus. But Christians did learn from Stoicism—not only from Epictetus’Enchiridionbut also Saint Paul knew Seneca’s brother, Lucius Junius Gallio ...
Patricia Carroll ~ I write Christian Historical Western Romances as Patricia PacJac Carroll and Christian Contemporary Romances as Nina Jayne. All of my books are sweet and clean and wholesome with a Christian Worldview. Not preachy, but with the...Read full bio Most popular Mail-Order Wrangler...