Bible, the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Hebrew Bible includes only books known to Christians as the Old Testament. The arrangements of the Jewish and Christian
The Bible: Books of the BibleIntroduction The Protestant Bible has 66 books divided up into two parts, the Old and New Testaments. The Catholic Bible has the same books as the Protestant Bible plus the Apocrypha. The Jewish Bible is the same as the Old Testament Protestant Bible except the...
doctrine, Eckhart's apophatic theology, contemporary Aristotelian ethics, the nature of Christian doctrine, Origen of Alexandria and the theology of the Holy Spirit, new perspectives on ritual in the biblical world, method, context, and meaning in Testament studies, and women of the Bible. The...
You don’t need to be a scholar to understand the Bible. You just need some advice from one along the way. The 60 Second Scholar: 100 Observations on Bible Doctrine Here’s proof that Bible doctrine isn’t dull. Bible doctrine gets a bad rap. It’s anything but boring. The Bible is...
Hermeticismis a collection of Gnostic philosophies and teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Also called the Egyptian Mysteries (or The Holy Mysteries referred to in the Bible), Hermeticism (Hermetic Philosophy) encompasses the spiritual laws of spirit, soul, and body and is a universal syste...
scholars for the purpose of advancing in the knowledge of God as well as othertheologicalareas regardless of the school you attend. Here you can findChristian pdf bookson thestudyof theBible, theology, trinity, doctrine, biography, religion, philosophy,as well as thetalmudamong many other topics...
Bible Study Church History Theology About us About Us Visit Us Meet the Team Useful Links Currency GBP Euro Sign in Create an Account Home Bibles ESV ESV Scripture Journals NKJV KJV NIV NLT Second Hand Doctrine and Systematics Christian Life Biblical Counseling ...
Effective Disciplinein that it takes a Christian approach to parenting as L.R. takes on big names in the Christian child-training sect such as Dr. James Dobson, Tedd Tripp, Gary Ezzo, and Michael Pearl, breaking down their doctrine and reexamining such issues as spanking, instant obedience,...
The Biblical Doctrine of Personal Apostasy A discussion of why people “walk away” from the faith, and why a saved person can never be lost again. Part 1: The Case for Eternal Security Part 2: Personal Apostasy Authorship and Copyright Information > ... is dedicated to bring back buried treasure to God’s glory. SGCB only publishes God centered, Christ-exalting, scripture-saturated books true to the Holy Bible.