Chapter Book Series for Kidsin 1st-3rd Grade Any book that interests them (see thereading level hereand then figure most 2nd graders read at 1.6-2.9 level and beyond) Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> ___...
After reading a good book, maybe you can’t wait to share it with your friends. It’s really amazing to talk about a good book. Everyone has his own ideas about the book. You can learn more.Dick In a coffee shop. The taste of coffee smells so nice! On sunny days, you can enjoy...
The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
I read a lot of Lisa See this year, she is an excellent author but none of her books are light and this was no exception, it is the story Korean female divers but it is tragic and sad and in places hard to keep reading. Theft by Finding by David Sedaris Needing a little levity I...
Reading Detective: A1, Grade 5-6 (Book 2 of 4) (Third Edition) (Paperback) Free shipping, arrivesin 3+ days Only 6 left Merriam-Webster's Everyday Language Reference Set: Includes: The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the Merriam-Webster Thesaur, (Paperback) ...
Three Days in June A Novel by Anne Tyler “What a treat.”— Washington Post “Simply exquisite.”—Liane Moriarty “Nobody understands human nature better than Tyler. And nobody understands the complexities of love the way she does.”— Boston Globe “ Three Days in June is like reading ...
Buy it:This Book Is Bannedon Amazon 3. Dear Unicorn by Josh Funk Amazon Not just for unicorn lovers, though you probably have plenty of them in second grade! Pen pals Connie and Nic send letters and art back and forth all year. They learn a lot about each other—but when they finally...
This lesson guide includes three activities to facilitate discussion after reading the book. 28. Meet Me on Mercer Street (Grades 3–7) Both hilarious and deeply perceptive, Meet Me on Mercer Street paints a portrait of a changing neighborhood through the eyes of young aspiring artist, Kacie....
Charlie sat on a bench in Washington Square, clutching the coin tightly, crushing with his heels clods of soiled and brittle snow. In a little while he would get up and buy something hot for his gnawing belly; but first he must sit here a little longer and adjust himself to shame. He...
A report of how literature books can be used to create authentic contexts for teaching science at the second grade level is presented. Since, from a cognitive psychology perspective, language helps to mediate social actions and cognitive functions, at lower grade levels it is possible to use lite...