an installment of a book or journal that is published in parts. foliation the numbering of leaves in a book, rather than pages. formulary any book of prescribed forms, as prayers, oaths, etc. See alsodrugs. grangerism 1.the augmentation of the illustrative material in a book by prints, ...
The Child's Book of the SeasonsbyArthur Ransome This book is part of the author’s “Nature Books For Children” series (three books), which is probably the best indication of its target audience and subject matter. The book is fun and charming, even for adults. Arthur Michell Ransome w...
Like many artist’s books,S; Ship of Theseushas layers of self-referentiality “interrogating” the nature of the Book. Like many artist’s books, it challenges the act of reading — in this case with narrative frames, parallel color-coded narratives and objects of evidence each related to d...
God's Prayers - Hardcover My words fell as seeds among men. Not understanding, they gathered them and placed them in sacks. And buried those sacks in shallow holes, dug with the tools of ignorance. In spring, the seeds germinated and sprouted, And flowers bloomed and rustled in the breeze...
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The Little Book of Easter: Scripture readings, reflections and prayers for Holy Week and Easter (Paperback) Arthur Howells Original price R 280.00 Current price R 252.00 Quick shop Save 10% The Great Dead Body Teachers (Hardcover) Jackie Dent Original price R 360.00 Current price R ...
The Little Book of Easter: Scripture readings, reflections and prayers for Holy Week and Easter (Paperback) Arthur Howells Original price R 280.00 Current price R 252.00 Quick shop Save 10% The Great Dead Body Teachers (Hardcover) Jackie Dent Original price R 360.00 Current price R ...
Auspicious prayers be for the pure Ahl al-Bait and for each of the just, faithful Companions, as-Sahâbat al-kirâm (radî-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anhum ajma’în), of that exalted Prophet! Allâhu ta’âlâ is Rabb al-’âlamîn. He created every kind of the living ...
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To add to Borsuk’s history (and conclude) with an analogue precursor, considerLivre de Prières Tissé d’après les enluminures des manuscrits du XIVe au XVIe siècle(which translates asBook of Prayers woven after illuminations in manuscripts of the 14th and 15th century). ...