Book2look’s embeddable widgets, called “biblets,” allow publishers to offer free previews of their books, as well as reviews, video and audio content, and buy links. Built-in analytics let publishers track each widget’s performance across multiple online channels and social networks. Is ...
In the Kitchen Monthly Topics January February March April May June July August September October November December Seasonally Themed Learning Fall Winter Spring Summer Holiday Themed Learning Thanksgiving Christmas Hanukkah Veterans Day Memorial Day 4th of July New Years...
The authors’ answer: we’re far too idealistic, set impossible standards, and have forgotten the true meaning of matrimony – learning to love anew each day, a lesson at the heart of the Bible’s teachings. Who should read The Meaning of Marriage? Singles looking for their soulmates Would...
In Dearly Beloved, Pamela Ayo Yetunde, a lifelong Prince fan and founder of the Theology of Prince project when she taught at United Theological Seminary in Prince’s own Minneapolis, decodes the spiritual and sexual messages behind Prince’s work, from For You to Graffiti Bridge to The Rainbo...
Chaucer’sABC(ca. 1369) is an intriguing early work in the history of abecedaries. There are alphabet poems in the Hebrew Bible, but according to the artists’ book collector and scholar Nyr Indictor, this Chaucer lyric seems to be the earliest surviving English “ABC poem” of known authors...
🤑 Wifi Money Bible Learn How to Start, Grow and Automate an Online Business (210+ happy customers) Link already discounted 75%, valid till Cyber Monday 🤑 Don't Say That at Work - Essential Communications Skills for Software Professionals Essential communication skills for software professionals...
my LibraryandBetween the Sheets, Spector’s works in the Books On Books Collection fall into the category of ephemera. More than most book artists’ ephemera such as invitations, broadsides and the like, however, Buzz Spector’s ephemera have that self-reflexiveness so characteristic of book ...
🤑 Wifi Money Bible Learn How to Start, Grow and Automate an Online Business (210+ happy customers) Link already discounted 75%, valid till Cyber Monday 🤑 Don't Say That at Work - Essential Communications Skills for Software Professionals Essential communication skills for software professionals...
In order to ease and simplify our lives, we might dare to ask a very old-fashioned question: what am I reading for? And this time, rather than answering ‘in order to know everything,’ we might parcel off a much more limited, focused and useful goal. We might – for example – de...
aGraphics courtesy of the Digital Image Archive, Pitts Theology Library, Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Doré, Gustave, 1832 - 1883.The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments, 数字图象档案的图表礼貌, Pitts神学图书馆, Candler神学院, Emory大学。 Doré, Gustave 1832年- 188...