D ictatorship in H istory and T heory : B onapartism , C aesarism, and T otalitarianism . Edited by Peter Baehr and Melvin Richter. A ction as H istory: the H istorical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By Stein Helgeby. P ast I mperfect : F acts , F ictions, and...
One of the potential future developments of Kindle textbook rentals is the integration of the rental system with other educational platforms and services offered by Amazon. This integration could create a seamless experience for students, allowing them to access their rented textbooks directly through A...
Entice readers with a summary of the story and characters. Don't give away anything that adds to the suspense or surprise. Let readers know what makes your book interesting, and give them a sense of what kind of book it is. If you’re stuck for ideas, research the back cover or inner...
For the collector, Mallarmé acts as a reminder to see what the book artist is doing visually, structurally and conceptually with type, the leaves, the pages and the idea of the book. Unsurprisingly The Century proves helpful for appreciating and enjoying Drucker’s own artist’s books in ...
These artists and their stories testify to victories and defeats, weakness and heroism, how the smallest acts of kindness can make a difference even in a world of unbearable pressure and pain. The importance of a text like this in a time like ours cannot be understated. We know that the...
Summary: A compilation of readings, quotes, poetry and works of art on the theme of trust and hope. The year 2025 is a Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis has chosen as a motto for this Jubilee Year, “Pilgrims of Hope.” With so many countries, and even the creation ...
Without sensing the presence of such a public, an author may either prostitute his talent or squander it in sterile acts of defiance. In this sense, the critic is not a parasite but, potentially, someone who is responsible in part for the existence of good writing in his own time and ...
Eisenhower did dispatch federal troops to Arkansas in 1957 to enforce the court-ordered racialintegrationof ahigh schoolinLittle Rock; he also signed the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960. Moreover, his “moderate Republicanism” led him to oversee an expansion ofsocial security, an increase in...
I should start with an apology — two of them, actually. First, I apologize for not posting here for the last two months. I recently submitted the manuscript of my book, Virginia Faulkner: A Life in Two Acts, to the University of Nebraska Press, and that left me little time and energy...
Here is a short summary: Although much has been written about innovation in the past several years, not all parts of the innovation lifecycle have been given the same treatment. This volume focuses on the important first step of arranging financing for innovation before it is made, and ...