Sheldon on the beach. He picked up the book and found himself mesmerized as he read, excitedly turning the pages to find out what happened next. When he finished the book, he realized that he, too, could write thrilling stories like that. And, so, he made the decision to do exactly ...
Sheldon on the beach. He picked up the book and found himself mesmerized as he read, excitedly turning the pages to find out what happened next. When he finished the book, he realized that he, too, could write thrilling stories like that. And, so, he made the decision to do exactly ...
And we offer an assortment of comics written by some of the greatest comic book writers of all time like Mike Baron of Nexus fame, William Messner-Loebs, Len Wein, Erik Larsen, Alan Grant Batman stories, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, Harley Quinn 2016 DC Rebirth, Grant Morrison's su...
Like many artist’s books,S; Ship of Theseushas layers of self-referentiality “interrogating” the nature of the Book. Like many artist’s books, it challenges the act of reading — in this case with narrative frames, parallel color-coded narratives and objects of evidence each related to d...
The problem with desire is that it’s like pouring water into a vase full of stones. It fills you up before you know it, leaving no room for anything else. I don’t have room in my life for Dan. But I can’t stop wanting him. 58 The Primal of Blood and BoneJennifer L. Armen...
it’s also tedious and predictable. The dialogue is dumb, the plot is basically non-existent. (There is also a rom-com sub-plot, with various characters falling in love with their respective crushes, but that seems like an afterthought more than part of the story.) So what’s good about...
Fall books include Dan Brown novel
Books, like buildings, are fundamentally inhabited spaces. They are incomplete without human interaction.” Clever structural use of paper with a stone-like appearance, paired with apt choices of text matched with equally judicious choices in typography, evoke the similarities between books and ...
Like many young men, Reid yearned to be an RCAF pilot. His attestation papers describe him as standing five feet six inches tall with brown eyes, fair hair and bad teeth. The medical officer who examined him found Reid to be “mild and modest in manner,” of “average intelligence and ...
I'm always looking for suggestions-- especially for books you like! Please write to me I would happily publish your reviews of books! The picture above is of MSW with Bethany Nutter, who was the Top Honors winner for the high school section of the West Virg...