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ISBN 9781848615434 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.] María Baranda is one of the leading Mexican poets of the generation born in the 1960s. Her work has received Mexico’s distinguished Efraín Huerta and Aguascalientes national poetry prizes, as well as Spain’s Francisco de Queved...
(Part I, II, III,...). Part-title pages may contain text to introduce the reader to the chapters in the part. Chapters are usually numbered with Arabic numerals (Chapter 1, 2, 3,...). In multi-authored contributed titles, each chapter includes its own abstract, references or ...
Dreambooks in Byzantium 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Dreambooks in Byzantium offers for the first time in English translation and with commentary six of the seven extant Byzantine oneirocritica, or manuals on the interpretation of dreams. (The seventh, The Oneirocriticon of Achmet ibn Se...