Austin the military intelligence expert. Rowe shows he played a significant role in preparing for the D-Day landings. He was a major figure in British intelligence during the Second World War before returning to Oxford and becoming a significant figure in the world of Ordinary Language Philosophy...
Nate Phelan, with whom she feels an instant connection. However, their journey takes a terrifying turn when just ninety seconds post-takeoff, their plane crashes into the Missouri River. This life-altering event sends them on different paths: Nate joins the military, and Izzy ventures into polit...
SHARED LIKE A TOY — Taboo BDSM: PASSED AROUND by Military Alphas — DOMINATED, PUNISHED & HUMILIATED by Rough Men — Explicit Dirty Short Story for Women (Rough & Shared Book 1) 3.8 out of 5 stars157 NAUGHTY TOY — Taboo, Dirty, BDSM: DOMINATED, USED & PUNISHED by Rough Alphas — Ex...
Military History Books Mixed Media Crafts & Hobbies Books Modern History Books Money & Monetary Policy Books Monsters Kids' Books Motivational & Inspirational Self-Help Books Motivational Business & Money Books Movements in Philosophy Books Multicultural Education Books Music Books Mystery, Thriller & Susp...
The Eastern Front is the second book in British military historian Nick Lloyd's trilogy about the First World War (the first book was about the Western Front). The book is around 500 pages long but it's highly readable. In it, Lloyd looks at the 'greater' Eastern front: from Riga in...
(1)These books are designed for the use of begin-ners.这些书是供初学者使用的。(2)The military action was designed(drive) the enemy out of the town.这次军事行动是打算把敌人赶出这个镇子。(3)Do you think he made that mistakedesign?你认为他是故意犯那个错误吗?(4)The bridge is so nice an...
Duncan carries his own PTSD from as a Pulitzer-winning military field reporter. His refusal to talk about his work speaks of a silence inaccessible to Annie, who is constantly being forced to reveal her innermost thoughts, ever the one to “smooth things over.” The novel’s happiest people...
This book redefines the military sci-fi genre and it is likely to become a classic. This is only the first book in the series, so get ready for more action. The author brings in an apocalyptic future dominated by modern technologies, international struggles and a lot of imagination – the...
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