Solutions for Spelling Difficulties:The vast majority of people are logical learners and they need our 100 spelling rules to know when to spell a sound one-way and not the other, as in the final sound in social, substantial, and controversial. Our 8th grade spelling books are logical and th...
For the books Eighth-graders practice storytelling, publishing.(Neighbor)Piccininni, Ann
Some students struggle to read. Only one third of fourth and eighth graders reached reading proficiency in the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress. 有些学生读书有困难。在 2022 年国家教育进步评估中,只有三分之一的四年级和八年级学生达到了阅读水平。 Leah van Belle is the director of th...
I don't know how that first image came into my head. Some of Maison's experiences were based on me being nervous about going to a new middle school (a lot of my friends went to the other middle school), feeling intimidated by eighth graders (though it turns out they mostly weren't ...
For some students, it’s a struggle to read at all. Only around a third of fourth and eighth graders reached reading proficiency in the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress, down significantly from 2019. Leah van Belle, executive director of the Detroit literacy coalition 313Reads, ...
Watch the amazing book trailer! This book is so awesome, I read it twice! (Taylor, 5th grade) | My 12 year old son and I read it during every free moment we had! (Ann) | It's difficult to find good, clean books for teens, but this book provides just that
Every June, I send the parents of the fifth graders—soon to be my sixth graders in the fall—a list of fiction and nonfiction books for summer reading. These can't-miss, super high-interest titles appeal to a range of tweens, specifically at ages 10-11. My speciality!This year, my ...
Klassen. That book was the first winner of theRobin Smith Picture Book Prizeand is one of my favorite read-alouds; my main criterion for the award is that each book must be a superb read-aloud, one that I can imagine Robin reading aloud from her rocking chair to her second graders. ...
Aiming High and Falling Short: California's Eighth-Grade Algebra-for-All Effort research-article2014 EPAXXX10.3102/0162373714543685Domina et al.Aiming High and Falling Short Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis September 2015, Vo... T Domina,A Mceachin,A Penner,... - 《Educational Evaluation...
Daily 6-Trait Writing gives your eighth graders scaffolded, focused writing practice. Each of the 25 weekly units provides trait-based writing practice in concise activities that cover the essential traits of strong writing: ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, and conventions....