Review by Children’s Books Heal: “Waka T. Brown has written a captivating book that is so full of heart and big dreams. But it also tells a story of how American Asians are stereotyped and diversity is not necessarily welcome — an important theme running throughout the story. Set in ...
The novel opens in 1967 when twins Charlie and Chloe are introduced to their “new mummy” Lynne while they’re still bereft at losing their mother to cancer. Early on, Lynne’s behaviour causes alarms bells to ring for the twins — and readers — which only adds to the mounting tension ...
Sally Loughridge has written a compassionate and sensitive story for families who are dealing with a child diagnosed with cancer and the challenges for siblings. Daniel is representative of all siblings dealing with confusing feelings of sadness, anger, fear and jealousy. For children like Daniel, i...
As John W. Perry wrote in Editor and Publisher, the play is “a venomous, sullen, and bitter castigation of that sensational fringe of American newspaper making which has only one god — circulation — and which, for the sake of this god, will sacrifice honor, decency, and self-respect w...
The eldest of nine children, Baldwin grew up inpovertyinHarleminNew York City. He was born to a single mother, Emma Berdis Jones, who had migrated to New York fromMaryland. When her son was about three years old, she married David Baldwin, aBaptistminister who had moved north fromNew ...
And she fears that they could never have children: “I couldn’t stand the prying and peering…. ‘Yes my dear, I saw here on the street the other day and she’s enormous. She must be seven months along.'” McCall manufacturers an escape for Scotty and Janet that one has to say ...
whose jubilation over his flight to safety is almost cancelled by the pain of having left the woman he loves behind. And the thoughts that Thoreau records in his diary after making his decision to return to Concord are genuinely poetic, as in this passage: “A Crowd of Concord children ...
Impossible City by Simon Kuper is an expat’s view of Parisian society in the 21st century and how it has changed over the last two decades. Kuper bought an apartment in Paris in 2000 and still lives in the French capital with his American wife and their three children. From the point ...
Emily’s friendship with Chinese-American Katherine, who wants to locate her Chinese mother or family members. Designated “finding spots” in China was a new concept for me. With the limitation on how many children parents could have, China has designated places where mothers can leave a new...
Life's Edge: The Search for What It Means to Be Alive by Carl Zimmer Just as many of us are still struggling with the question of the meaning of life, the brilliant popular science writer Carl Zimmer—whose books have been frequently recommended on Five Books—takes the question a step ...