(1973) The Future of Marriage, Harmondsworth, Penguin.Binney, V., Harkell, G., and Nixon, J. (1985) 'Refuges and Housing for Battered Women', in J. Pahl (ed.) Private Violence and Public Policy, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.Bohannan, P. (1970) Divorce and After, New York, ...
Check out our guide to the best books on divorce for parents. Use them to gain the strategies you need to navigate this process with your kids well. Divorce can be messy and uncomfortable for the people involved. Yet when parents face divorce, the presence of children adds an additional ...
Leving, a trailblazer in helping fathers stay involved with their children after a divorce or breakup with the mother, is… Read More“Help for fathers now available at Little Free Libraries” » Tweet Books & Films, Chicago, Civil Rights, Entertainment, Jeffery Leving, News, NewsWire, ...
For more than twenty years, My Mother is a Fairy has been loved by several generations. I think the reason is that although the novel is in the fantastic mode, it touches on a very realistic theme which many children must face, that is, how to deal with the divorce of your parents. ...
Suitable for Ages: 8-12 Themes: Parents, Divorce, Interpersonal relationships, Friendship, Tree houses, Humor Synopsis: On the last day of fourth grade, everything in Winnie’s world changed. That was the day Winnie’s parents got divorced and decided that Winnie would live three days a week...
Children's Books, Stories and Songs Kindergarten through 8th grade List of recommended resources compiled by Education Department Japan Society 333 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION "Literature on Japan for Elementary and Middle School Students," by Elaine Vukov and...
Children's picture books depicting Asian fathers are important for several reasons. For many children, particularly those with an absence of men in their lives due to divorce or parental work arrangements, these books provide some of their first glimpses of fatherhood. 展开 ...
There is something truly magical hiding within the pages of a well written and illustrated children’s book . For parents and teachers of older children, click through to see ourBest Chapter Books for Kidscollection. Classic Books for Kids ...
Books for Parents I am pleased to be a part of an exciting series of illustrated books for parents and their children. Each has the subtitle beginning with “Big issues for little people… ” an cover topics of Health and Well-Being, Divorce, Identity and Diversity, and Behavior and Manners...
In “The Patron Saints of Middle Age,” a woman visits two friends she hasn’t seen since her divorce. In “A for Alone,” a married artist embarks on a creative project intended to disprove the so-called Mike Pence Rule, which suggests that women and men can’t spend time alone ...