The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
“Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?” Dozens of children respond to this peculiar ad in the newspaper and are then put through a series of mind-bending tests, which readers take along with them. Only four children—two boys and two girls—succeed. Their challenge: to...
The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
Taggedbooks for boys,books for teenaged boys,books for tweenaged boys,Summer Reading Embrace The Chaos. Enter your email address to follow this blog by email. Then push the button below! Push My Button! Join 2,096 other subscribers
Muscle for the Wing Woodrell, Daniel 9/16/2018 F Apple That Astonished Paris, The Collins, Billy 9/11/2018 P Under The Bright Lights Woodrell, Daniel 9/9/2018 F Painted Queen, The Peters, Elizabeth & Hess, Joan 9/8/2018 F Life Is Short—Art Is Shorter: In Praise of Brevity Shields...
I feel so sad that Judy died in March. I am sorry that she will not be finishing the wonderful story of the two boys which she was writing and bringing to the group for feedback when she first became ill. I had hoped that she would eventually be well enough to participate in the gr...
Continue Reading12 Series’ for Early Elementary Boys Share this: Pinterest Facebook Print Cat LinksUncategorized Our Favorite Level 2 Readers Posted onMarch 19, 2021ksbohler First of all, let me offer you a hearty congratulations for getting your child to this point! Let’s be honest: ...
Ralph on the Railroad:four complete adventure books for boys in one big volumebyAllen Chapman, illus. by Clare Angell and Charles Nuttall, Grosset & Dunlap, 1933. Contents - Ralph in the round house [sic] / Ralph in the switch tower / Ralph on the engine / Ralph on the Overland Express...
Each year they hold an illustrated story competition open to children up to aged 11 and the winners’ books are displayed and sold in the store. It’s such a great incentive that encourages children to write in Chinese. Hook on Books – shelf display (photo copyright Amanda Ruiqing Flynn)...
Suitable for kids aged 6-10. 11. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin Long before Harry Potter, there was Ged: a wizard of Earthsea. Earthsea is a world of islands where magic prevails, but darkness also threatens. Ged must learn to master his own innate powers and battle this ...