The story begins with 25 year old Sarah, who is a single mother of twins, whose life has been a constant struggle with loneliness and insecurity, primarily due to her emotionally distant adoptive parents, finds herself running into her estranged husband Rafael at a party. Thus, a man whose ...
A staff mr of a bookstore in the southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu said over 200 sex education books were sold in October, more than the total sales volume of last year. The most noticeable instance is a book called Learning to Love Yourself, which sold out in one month after it was...
BOY2GIRL Block, Francesca Lia. WASTELAND Bloor, Edward. STORY TIME Bloor, Edward TANGERINE Blos, Joan BROTHERS OF THE HEART : A STORY OF THE OLD NORTHWEST 1837-1838. Booth, Coe. TYRELL Bowers, Laura. BEAUTY SHOP FOR RENT Bowler, Tim. FIRMAMENT Boyd, James. DRUMS Boyne, John. THE BOY...
This was the second amazing brilliant gem of a book I found this year and might be my favorite book out of all the good books that I read this year just because it was so unexpected. The memoir of a young British kid who impulsively signs up to work for the Hudson bay company and i...
He used less than 230 words to write the book and even a six-year-old child should be able to read it. It was a fun story and easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today it is still one of the stories they like best. The success of The Cat in the ...
It is narrated by Maya, a confident and reasonable ten-year-old girl who likes summer, watermelons, and W.I.T.C.H. dolls, all appearing in the first doublespread. Maya is not a passive narrator; she is inquisitive, and asks readers numerous questions, such as “what do you like?”,...
We recommend this cute rom-com for a summer afternoon read. Best Women's Literature The Women, by Kristin Hannah (2024) The Womenis a novel that follows the journey of Frances “Frankie” McGrath, a 20-year-old nursing student from Southern California, who, inspired by the evolving world ...
Physical desire isn’t enough, and now Nick and Bryce are at a crossroads. They have to decide which way to go: the easy path they’ve always followed, or the one that’s determined to trip them up at every turn. Riley Hartis another one of those go-to authors for gay romance nove...
My Books of the Year 2024 It’s that time of year again… here are my favourite books I read in 2024. I usually read more non-fiction these days and 2024 was an excellent year for memoirs. My Family: The Memoir by David Baddiel is a pretty much perfect blend of comedy and empathy ...
(1) A 13-year-old girl from New York reads 300 books a year to herself because she wants to be the first person in her family to go to college. A. improve B. separate(2)turning away from a problem, find a way to deal with it. A. Because of B. Instead of(3)To develop go...