Books for 7 Year Old BoysBooks for 8 Year Old BoysBooks for 9 Year Old BoysLEGO BooksWe had so many posts on LEGO that we had to move them to their own page. Go see all of the LEGO Books That You Won’t Want to Miss! Let me tell you there is a lot there to see. Every...
The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
In the summer of 1953, two eleven-year-old boys—best friends—are playing in a Little League baseball game in Gravesend, New Hampshire. One of the boys hits a foul ball that kills the other boy's mother. The boy who hits the ball doesn't believe in accidents; Owen Meany believes he...
For my second book, I wanted to share the joy of living in and discovering Hong Kong from a young foreigner’s perspective, particularly one who is western-raised and of Asian heritage, like myself. The Not-So-Uniform Life of Holly-Mei tells the tale of a 12-year-old girl of mixed ...
Life Skills Every 9 Year Old Should Know: An Essential Handbook for 9 Year Old Boys and Girls to Unlock Their Secret Superpowers and Succeed in All Areas of Life (Life Skills Every Kid Should Know 4) Hayden Fox 4.5 out of 5 stars 310 Kindle Edition 1 offer from $2.99 #6 ...
Appears to be some good old boys just trying to cope with ordinary life and make some sense of it. Readers, maybe you can tell me more. BANKS OF RICHMEN * * *Timothy A. Boling Road trip adventure, twelve short chapters. Also in PDF Adobe Reader...
press and opening a recording studio in gorgeous small town Rose Hill. Something that comes to a screeching halt when he ends up face-to-face with a young girl who claims he's her biological father. Now, he spends his days balancing business with parenting a sullen twelve-year-old, all....
The film is good for a few big belly laughs. Created with love and craftsmanship. 4/5 Thelma (2024). Great film. 93 year old Thelma is scammed of 10,000 dollars. Inspired by Tom Cruise, she goes on an epic quest through Los Angeles to get her money back, and to prove that she ...
I found Maddy to be what I would expect for an 18 year old girl who has not allowed to leave her house because she could, you know, die. She was sweet and funny and loved books (Her spoiler alerts for her book reviews throughout were great!) ...
“Where Waters Meet” by ZHANG Ling //《归海》张翎 (著)- When 83-year-old Rain dies, her daughter Phoenix finds mementoes that can only be explained through visiting relatives in China. Her exploration of her mother’s life is also one of self-discovery. Novel. [ISBN 9787521223934] ...