The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
“Kaleidoscope”, by Lu Mei (Anhui shaonian ertong chubanshe) — During the summer holidays, nine-year-old Mai Xiaojie has adventures in Shanghai’s shikumen. As the title suggests, there are different ways of looking at things… // 陆梅:《万花筒》(安徽少年儿童出版社) “Tiled Roofs and M...
I really wish this wonderful series of books didn’t start with “Little Kids” because I know a lot of boys in the 5, 6, 7 year old range that don’t like being called a little kid. If your boy can get past that one “little” thing, then this is an awesome book to get. Li...
In 1964, the eponymous narrator of ‘Eileen’ by Ottessa Moshfegh is twenty-four years old, living with her alcoholic father and working as a secretary at a correctional facility for teenage boys. During the week leading up to Christmas, Eileen Dunlop is planning to disappear from her coastal...
at classical literature, but is especially well known for his re-telling of classic books in a style so that younger readers may follow the story. The Iliad for Boys and Girls is a retelling of Homer’s Iliad, centered around the events of the siege of Troy during the final year. ...
Thirteen-year-old Jam, as she is fondly called has just become the features editor for her school’s newspaper. She’s determined to impress her dad with her first story. At the same time, a family friend’s nephew, Ali moves from the UK to Atlanta. As Jam and Ali’s friendship ...
8| The Dark One (Vicious Lost Boys #2) by Nikki St. Crowe – New Dark Fae Books, April 2022 Buy It Here This deliciously dark Peter Pan retelling is perfect for YA and adult readers alike who lovedark fantasy books. The second book of theVicious Lost Boysretelling books series is just...
Sixteen-year-old Blake travels to Base Camp on Mt. Everest to spend time with his physician father. When a deadly avalanche occurs, Dad is forced to rethink things and sends Blake away. Now accompanied by a Sherpa guide, and in possession of a mysterious camera, Blake undertakes a journey...
Twelve-year-old Ann understands there is only one thing to be grateful for as a slave: having her family together. But when the master falls into debt, he plans to sell both Ann and her younger brother to two different owners. Ann is convinced her family must run away on the Underground...
eight-year-old twins, Chloe and Charlie.That “something drastic”; the situation that would completely change the characteristic of this family arrives in the form of Lynne, the district nurse who cared for Anna, the wife and mother of the family, who died when the twins were six. Lynne ...