From discussing the experience of living and working in space to explaining how astronauts train and adapt (适应) to their new environment, she talks about her journey through space. Counting on KatherineThis encouraging book tells the story of Katherine Johnson who has a gift for math. She ...
The word “homage” extends a wide umbrella — over parody, pastiche, livre d’artiste and appropriations in all manner of art forms. One or two works in the exhibition stretch the point of paying homage. Picasso’s punun coup de théis one example. Its admission rests on its being the...
of course, the firstperson of the artist is expressed in all personally originate painting and sculpture: it has been a constituent of art since the Renaissance. What is at issue here, however, is the use of confessions,
(I confess to being surprised at the omission of GPS, but now that I think about it, GPS is really about timekeeping and physics.) No less a challenge is finding the balance between explaining the mathematical concepts and explaining how they apply to mapping, and doing so in a way that...
Going back to the Neanderthals, he spends quite a lot of time explaining how Homo sapiens has developed these tribal instincts and how they have not only protected but also advanced humankind. There is no getting round tribal instincts…What he’s arguing for is that there are real ...
[5]No matter what theSCOTUS rules. [6]The ad showed an edited interview between Harris and…(?), with Harris explaining an answer re whether a prisoner, while imprisoned, could have sex change/affirming surgery, which would of course be at taxpayer expense. Harris seemed to be fumbling –...
Daniel is an excellent teacher and has written a very thorough and detailed book on the process of rendering from Sketchup using a variety of software programs as well as explaining post-rendering work with Photoshop. While not every rendering engine is covered, he does go into a great amount...
Carlo Rovelli is a theoretical physicist who is brilliant at explaining his field in short books.Anaximanderis about a philosopher who lived 26 centuries ago in Miletus, a Greek city on the coast of what is now Turkey. He was the first person to understand that the Earth is just floating ...
"The Secrets of Alchemycomes closer than any other single work to explaining the grounds – rational and empirical, as well as religious and wishful – for alchemy's longevity. Lawrence Principe's delightful writing style brings to life a depth of learning matched by few in the field. This ...
Written by the same author as the data visualization blog Information is Beautiful, "Knowledge is Beautiful” uses visuals to reveal the world. The book features infographics to present complex information, showing connections and relationships in visual displays. The book traverses data from art to...