Word Count Writing1 2 Our Word Count Tool site offers useful tools for your creative writing. You can find the Word Counter Tool, Character Counter Tool, Scrabble Word Finder, Pomodoro Timer, and Mind Map Tool. Happy writing! Word Counter Character Counter Scrabble Word Finder Pomodoro Timer ...
Word count: 733 words Reading time: About 3 minutes Looking for some book suggestions? I’m on track for reaching my year-end goal of reading 52 books and here is my semi-annual accounting. My habit is to post for you the names of ALL the books I’ve read, twice a year ...
Or the most secret of her secret fantasies? Word Count 8,689. Explicit Content Format:Kindle Edition Kindle Edition $0.00 or$2.99to buy Free withKindle Unlimitedmembership OR See all details Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC.
Emma Gabor 60% of the story is there. To read the rest, follow instrucions on the website. Modern day vampires become the scourge, New York to Hungary. Will Count Dracula finally be defeated by the predatoress? http://predatoress.com/Downloads/Predatoress-free.pdfPREDATORESS ...
Word count for books by genre There’s no single answer to how many words in a novel. While80,000is anaverageword length for anaveragenovel (is there such a thing?), when it comes to specific genres of fiction there is somevariation[118]. Certain genres –epic[119]fantasy fiction[120...
Thank you so much for stopping by to read this post and for your continued support. Come back again soon! Your reviews are welcomed and appreciated and help spread word about my work to other readers and also encourages Amazon to consider promoting my books. Blessings & Hugs! Stay Safe, St...
Please include total word count on the first page of your document. Submit ONE FILE (Word doc, docx, RTF), which includes a title for the collection and a list of contents, followed by the stories or essays. DOUBLE SPACE text and use a standard font, such as Times Roman. Please do...
Not all e-books are free but I found these two: Seven Days and Seven Nights by Alexander Szegedy and Autobiography of a Female Slave by Martha G. Browne, turned out to be good reads. 77.Books-On-Line Obviously with the mainstream audience in mind, with books catering to kitchen help, ...
| by Jun | Jan, 2022 | Medium 독서광 프로그래머의 뇌 프로그래머의 뇌 · TheoryDB The Programmer's Brain 놀라운책, 프로그래머의 뇌를 읽고 :: 소프트웨어 이야기 프로그래머의 뇌 - 훌륭한 프...
How the Word is Passed by Clint Smith (nonfiction); Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett (historical fantasy); All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows (fantasy); Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson (memoir/nonfiction) Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird by Agustina Bazterrica (fabulis...