by Giovanni Pontiero (translator) & José Saramago Read expert recommendations “A few years ago, I discovered two authors whom I confess I had known nothing about before, and I discovered them in translation. One was WG Sebald and the other was José Saramago. It was the shock of my life...
W. B. Yeats compiled sixty-four works from numerous Irish authors including William Allingham; Thomas Crofton Croker; William Carleton; Letitia Maclintock; Lady Wilde, mother of Oscar Wilde; and Yeats himself, resulting in a comprehensive and definitive collection. Each section features an ...
other books by the same authorsIntroduction Ii I'etude de la stabilite dans les espaces metriques (Dunod, Paris, 1971, 73 p.). First published in Polish (1970).In collaboration with A. BukowyZ. Pogoda
by Liu Hsu-kung (image supplied by Eleanor Duggan, please do not use without permission) Week 1: This week, we spotlighted one of Taiwan’s most beloved authors, Jimmy Liao (#幾米), and his heartwarming books. We also shared the inspiring story of the Woodpecker Girl for #WorldKidLitWe...
There is something addictive about the creative process for her and helping other authors embrace their dreams make hers a reality daily. That’s the official Savannah, the unofficial version is just a girl who loves experiencing life with every twist and turn it takes. When she was born, ...
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Would you enjoy 史坦尼斯劳·莱姆? Take a quick test! 索拉里斯星, Cyberiada, Kongres futurologiczny : ze wspomnień Ijona Tichego, The Star … - personalised recommendations and similar authors.
In our new history books section, we keep track of some of the books coming out by Five Books interviewees and frequently recommended authors. We're also scanning catalogues and highlighting interesting new history books being published that come to our attention. It's impossible to cover all ...
Polish8 Products Penny Barron5 Products Paulinne Delcour-Min6 Products Paul J. Travers2 Products Paul Fisher3 Products Paul Berg4 Products Patrick De Haan4 Products Patrick Andries2 Products Patricia Irvine2 Products October21 Products November16 Products Norwegian6 Products Nola Davis1 Product Nikki ...
11.2 Official Names.Use authors’ official names only. “Official name” is a name that appears on cover art, author’s website, and publisher’s website. Nicknames and abbreviated names should not be used. 11.3 Katakana Names.Katakana names should be standardized by the following: ...