Deck the Shelves With Books AplentyThe article reviews several books including "Before I Go: Letters to Our Children About What Really Matters," by Peter Kreeft, "Our World," by Mary Oliver, and "Life of Pi: Deluxe Illustrated Ed...
The Catholic scholar Peter Kreeft – himself an energetic writer – says of the formidable nature of this book that “Metaxas is to religious biographers what Pixar is to cartoons.” FOR SOMEONE WANTING TO GROW IN FAITH BUT NOT FROM A CONVENTIONAL “CHRISTIAN LIVING” BOOK Vintage Saints and ...
Chesterton, Peter Kreeft and Fr. Benedict Groeschel. Several of these writers have written on virtually every aspect of the Catholic faith. Furthermore, Veritas designates them as great writers because they effectively communicate and deeply penetrate the mysteries of the faith. Healing and Self-Help...
McGrath, N.T. Wright, Francis Collins, Os Guinness, Peter Kreeft, and more. From the call for pluralism and civility by Os Guinness, to a great piece on Bonhoeffer by Metaxas himself, to Elshtain on the meaning of the human (drawing on C. S. Lewis), to several good speeches on the...
—Dr. Peter Kreeft, author ofHandbook of Christian Apologetics “The mission of Tom Peterson and Catholics Come Home to bring souls home to Jesus and the church is critically important during this challenging time in our history. I fully support this new evangelization project.” ...
Questions of literary merit are best left to others. Just know that I had the temptation to review the book with a Peter Kreeft-like dialogue between J. Gresham Machen and Father Stephanie, rector of the nearby Church of the Holy Inarticulate Conception. But I resisted. ...
The Platonic Traditiondoi:10.2307/j.ctt285035.10Professor Peter Kreeft
Peter Kreeft, Christian philosopher and longtime admirer of the historic Socrates, imagines the result. In this drama Socrates meets such fellow students as Bertha Broadmind, Thomas Keptic and Molly Mooney. Throughout, Kreeft weaves an intriguing web as he brings Socrates closer and closer to a ...
Peter KreeftIgnatius PrPeter Kreeft, Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees Edited, Outlined and Explained (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993), 55.Kreeft, Peter. Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees Edited, Outlined and Explained. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993....
Yes or No? Straight Answers To Tough Questions About Christianity by Peter Kreeft 聽The popular Christian apologist Kreeft tackles many of the tough questions of our day concerning Christianity. In a series of imaginative "dialogues", Sal the Seeker and Chris the Christian deal with the profound ...