8.1/5120人评价 > 更多版本(3) 李光耀回忆录(2013) [新加坡] 李光耀 / 译林出版社 7.6/1181人评价 > 更多版本(5) 风雨独立路(1998) [新加坡] 李光耀 / 外文出版社 8.3/1055人评价 > 更多版本(5) 经济腾飞路(2001) [新加坡] 李光耀 / 外文出版社 ...
李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew,1923年09月16日-2015年03月23日),新加坡华人,祖籍广东省梅州市大埔县高陂镇党溪乡,毕业于新加坡莱佛士学院,曾任新加坡总理(开国元首)、新加坡最高领导人,被誉为“新加坡国父”,新加坡人民行动党创始人之一,改革友谊奖章获得者。 2015年03月23日凌晨3时18分,李光耀因病医治无效去世,享年91...
李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew,1923年09月16日-2015年03月23日),新加坡华人,祖籍广东省梅州市大埔县高陂镇党溪乡,毕业于新加坡莱佛士学院,曾任新加坡总理(开国元首)、新加坡最高领导人,被誉为“新加坡国父”,新加坡人民行动党创始人之一,改革友谊奖章获得者。 2015年03月23日凌晨3时18分,李光耀因病医治无效去世,享年91...
by Edmund Lim, illustrated by Tan Zi Xi (Epigram Books, 2012) ISBN 9789810720780 (Image source: Epigram Bookshop) In Singapore, the Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism helps to fund the publishing ofmany books for young readers, either solely in Chinese, Malay or Tamil, or as bilingual ...
s got one about the class divide, whichThis isWhat Inequality Looks Liketouches on as well. Then there’s “Brave New World Disruption,” local politics, partly politics and the legacy of Lee Kuan Yew, who passed away a couple of years ago. He was basically the founding father of ...
"From the first day of speaking with you, you have been very helpful, friendly and flexible – and extremely professional! My colleague who collected the album said it was a beautiful album, well presented, professionally mounted, and a wonderful gift for Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. ...
Lee Kuan Yew, GCMG, CH (Lee Kuan Yew), the Singapore Chinese people, for Singapore predecessor premier, once were appointed the state affair capital politics as well as the cabinet capital politics, by the reputation was “the Singapore father”.Not only Lee Kuan Yew is Singapore founds a ...
totalitarianism. The book also includes memorable chapters on what guided Anwar Sadat’s willingness to make peace with Israel, and the sage statecraft that allowed Lee Kuan Yew (“Harry Lee”) to build a humane and prosperous Chinese state in Singapore, one firmly allied with the West. This ...
Atomic Habits The 5 AM Club The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Rich Dad, Poor Dad 12 Rules For Life Thinking, Fast and Slow Zero to One 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do Think and Grow Rich The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck ...
Waipo zai nali外婆在哪里 (Where’s Grandma?) by Edmund Lim, illustrated by Tan Zi Xi (Epigram Books, 2012) ISBN 9789810720780 (Image source:Epigram Bookshop) In Singapore, theLee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualismhelps to fund the publishing of ...