Here is all the books we have available, arranged by author. All these books you can read now, for free! Catch up on your reading list, expand your horizons, or just spend a relaxing evening by yourself. You can also see this list arranged by book title, or browse all authors we ...
It is also an impressively international list, drawing attention to the authors from around the globe, writing in an array of languages. The most recent winners have been: South Korean novelist, short story writer and poet Han Kang (2024), Jon Fosse (2023), Annie Ernaux (2022), Abdulrazak...
That’s why Eterna Cadencia, an independent publisher and book store, decided to create something different to (2) their new authors into the market—"The Books That Can’t Wait", which seeks to (3) bonds between first-time writers and their readers by getting their books read quickly. ...
Authors, illustrators, and editors will be compensated for e-book and audiobook library borrowings for the first time, in a move by the federal government to bring lenders’ rights into the 21st century. A $12.9 million expansion of the annual lending rights scheme over four years will be ...
In our new history books section, we keep track of some of the books coming out by Five Books interviewees and frequently recommended authors. We're also scanning catalogues and highlighting interesting new history books being published that come to our attention. It's impossible to cover all ...
The Free Books Campaign was set up in July 2020 by Sofia Akel, a race equality researcher, when she decided to launch a fundraiser to get as many books as possible by authors of color to people that can’t afford them across the UK and Ireland. So far over 1, 700 books have been ...
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Book with multiple authors:作者姓名(英文姓氏姓在前,名用首字母缩写),年份. 书名(用斜体). 版本. (第二版以上才会加入这个信息;第一版不用。)出版地点:出版商.Authors, Initials., Year. Title of book (in italics). Edition. (Only include this if not the first edition) Place: Publisher....
Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-knownauthors, have been translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical ...
most of them popular authors, journalists, actors, or artists, though some came from the law and other professions or from commerce and a few from thearistocracy. Some friendships dating from his youth endured to the end, and, though oftenexasperatedby the financial demands of his parents a...