The Larry McMurtry Literary Center (LMLC) will open its doors to the public for the first time next month since it was bought last year by the Arch Jane Austen's Bookshelf, Private Presses, and Libraries in Fiction: February Books Roundup February 18, 2025 Our ongoing look at new books...
the rightness and thoroughness with which it is done and the feel of the paper strike that resonant chord. A comparison of the texts of the two works would not ordinarily arise, but once it is made, the prayerfulness of Crane’s “Proem...
‘The Watermark’ could easily have become overwhelmed by the sheer number of ideas bursting out of it, and some of them are inevitably more successful than others depending on your genre preferences (I personally struggled with the Russian section). However, the relationship between Jaime and ...
Jeffrey Morin and Steven Ferlauto’sSacred Space(2003) is an intimate monument of book art. Made intimate by the content and texture of its book, made more intimate by the viewer’s having to construct the chapel. Made monumental by the echo of typographic history, made more monumental in ...
by Zeinab Badawi An African History of Africa is by Zeinab Badawi, a well-known British journalist who is now the president of SOAS, part of the University of London. The book follows on from a TV series, and Badawi visited some 34 countries as part of her research. The aim was to te...
As a parent, A Prayer for Orion nurtured such empathy in me and reminded me of the urgency of learning more about the phenomenon of drug abuse in suburban America. More generally it is also as “a meditation on the particular anguish of loving a wayward child and clinging a desperate trust...
angelic warriors on a level of reality that is just beyond the senses. However, Christian believers and New Age demon-worshippers are able to influence unseen clashes between good and evil by the power of prayer. Peretti’s violent descriptions of exorcisms are especially vivid: “There were fi...
Her books have been published by Charles Scribner's Sons, HarperCollins, Ohio University Press, Mercury House, West Virginia University Press, Monteymayor Press, Teachers & Writers Press, Mountain State Press, Hamilton Stone Editions, and others. She teaches at New York University's School of ...
Click on Image to expand Davis, Charles Henry Stanley: History of Wallingford, Conn. from It's Settlement in 1670 to the Present Time, Including Meriden, Which Was One of the Parishes until 1806 and Cheshire, Which Was Incorporated in 1780. Meriden, Conn.: Self Published, 1870. First Edit...
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