— Brené Brown “The Alchemist” is a transformative tale that explores the journey of self-discovery and following one’s dreams. Brené Brown highly recommends this book for its profound insight into the human spirit and because it reminds us of the importance of cultivating courage, listening...
Brene Brown Recommended By Melinda Gates Melinda Gates mentioned this book as one of her 11 favorite books. Get on Amazon Awakening Joy James Baraz Recommended By Melinda Gates Melinda Gates: "The lessons in this book that I read so many years ago, and that I keep turning to now during th...
15. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown Favorite Quote “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” — Brene Brown The Book in One Sentence Daring Greatly is a book about having the courage to be vulnerable in a world where everyone wants to appear strong, confident and like...
Rising Strong: The Reckoning, The Rumble, The Revolution Brene Brown (Spiegel & Grau) $27.00 Perhaps you know this popular hardback, an upbeat call to be more vulnerable, to take risks, to be willing to fail. We’ve written about it before and am glad that this hip bestseller is written...
And he tells the exciting stories of deepening commitments to fighting racism of others, too, from hip- hop star Lacrae to social scientist (and now Duke Divinity School professor) Christena Cleveland, from social psychologist Brene Brown to civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson, from NYC pastor Tim...