I love books.I love adventure books because I like to meet new challenges.I love detective or mystery books because I want to learn to solve problems or mysteries.I want to read biographies of the famous people because I want to absorb their wisdom and learn how to be a succe...
The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
A love letter to all things bookish, book people and places are curated by Jane Mount, who illuminates them with the vibrant illustrations she’s known for.You’ll find literary trivia, see the world’s beautiful bookstores, workplaces of famous authors, and even get a taste of fa...
“Hitler’s People is a new book by historian Richard Evans…offering short portraits of major and minor players in the Third Reich, and what motivated them. It opens with a section on Adolf Hitler himself. I’ve never read any biographies of any of the men surrounding Hitler, so reading...
Renée Watson is among a group of authors who have been invited by Chelsea Clinton to write chapters books for young readers about the childhood and lives of remarkable women. Clinton is calling it the“Persisterhood.”If you are looking for biographies of famous girls/women to inspire young ...
Atia Abawi is among a group of authors who have been invited by Chelsea Clinton to write chapters books for young readers about the childhood and lives of remarkable women. Clinton has selected a “sisterhood” of authors to write each book. If you are looking for biographies of famous girls...
(Princeton Architectural Press), a collection of more than 100 mini-biographies of important women architects, covering more than a century, hopes to take a step toward correcting that oversight. Recently, I spoke to Jan Cigliano Hartman, the editor of the volume, about creating the book, ...
The book is one of the country’s largest-selling general knowledge update books. You can check out the Manorama Yearbook 2021 price by browsing through Flipkart, and buy it online. English is a beautiful language that is spoken by many people around the world and thus academically also it ...
Biographies from the Heroic Age of Antarctic exploration, 1898-1922. When the maps were mostly blank and lessons of how to survive and travel in a cold environment were learned the hard way.Antarctic BooksHeroic Age Biographies Captain ScottRanulph Fiennes Buy A book that reassesses Captain Scott...
From the screenshot of one of his productions above, you may be able to make out the book’s author: Count Michael Maier, whose more famous emblem book Atalanta Fugiens Daniel E. Kelm transformed into the Möbius version Neo Emblemata Nova. Further Reading “Alphabets Alive! – The ABCs ...