It follows a mother and daughter in past and present and their struggles: Kitty in the time around WW2 and Eleanor, her daughter. There is an unnerving feeling to this novel and a sense of it building to something but you don’t know what or why. I can’t wait to find out where ...
A moving and gripping account of one family's experience of living through WW2. Limited text and font a bit small but all flows beautifully and allows the fantastic illus to bring it all to life. Very accessible, a must for all colls. Set for more Blitz Martin Impey £17.99 RRP ...
“I would sit in my room for hours and hours listening to vinyl records, top to back, over, and over. I started playing piano when I was seven years old, and in middle school I started playing the alto saxophone and continued playing in both symphonic and jazz bands through high school...
The size of it was a bit daunting and it’s non-fic, so I’d put it off for a while, only picking it up late last year. I was very very surprised with how much I enjoyed it. This is the biography of an American WW2 spy, Virginia Hall. Hall is a young woman with a wooden ...
And, as befits a story set in the small, cramped world of a cipher unit, where everything is a secret and everyone lives in each other’s pocket, throughout there is a sense of claustrophobia and paranoia quite at odds with the increasingly cosy way that current WW2 novels portray ...
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Helen Yendall has had dozens of short stories and a serial published in women’s magazines over the past twenty years and now writes female-focused WW2 novels. She’s a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association.
For context, when I was a teen, I was so horrified by this book that I googled it (yes, we had google back then ) and was troubled to find countless fanmade trailers, made by literal children mind you, about this teen and her teacher “falling in love”. Even with that gross ...
Carl Hoffman's brilliant account of this ferocious battle takes the reader through the course of its duration. This book is essential for anyone interested in the Pacific theater of war during WW2 and for the huge impact that the marine corps made. ...
The premise is fascinating, its an area of World War Two history I haven’t read about before; a great premise that takes detours away from the main storyline. Tension ebbs and flows because the objective of the ‘rendimento,’ the mission, is never really clear. The story is told in ...