#15 About a Boy on The Best Movies About Men Raising Kids #5 Big Daddy on The Funniest Movies About Parenting COLLECTION9 LISTSBooks for Growing MindsNothing inspires growth and development quite like reading (and being read to). Here are lists of the top children's fiction and storybooks ...
The SDG Book Club launched in April 2019, the aim being to develop a reading list of titles for readers aged 6-12 years about the importance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage young people around the world to set up their own book clubs on this subject (more...
The Princess, the Scoundrel and the Farm Boy by Alexandra Bracken:The hope of the Rebel Alliance is fading as the Empire is about to unveil the greatest weapon the galaxy has ever seen – the Death Star. The Rebels only hope – to defeat the horrible battle station, now lies in the unl...
Pham has written and illustrated more than 100 books for kids. Here are three of her favorite reads she recommends for kids heading back to school. The books are all about sort of creating empathy and figuring out how to enter back into the school world in such a crazy time right now. ...
The Best Overall Books for Kids All Harry Potter Books, Ranked Stories of the Brothers Grimm 14 Children's Poets Loved By Adults, Too Books That Defined Your Youth That You (Almost) Forgot AboutBooks Books That Defined Your Youth That You (Almost) Forgot About ...
Alpaca Press publishes high-quality nonfiction books for kids who want to explore the world. Books on languages, geography, nature, and more.
There is something fascinating about trains for so many kids it is wonderful to link that interest with reading! Reply Jennifer Hughes says: Because we live outside Chicago, we have the metra and commercial trains going by all the time. We would actually make a morning of going to the ...
More Japanese American Books for Kids These books are not #OwnVoices, but I highly recommend them. Seen and Unseen: What Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams’s Photographs Reveal About the Japanese American Incarceration by Elizabeth Partridge, illustrated by Lauren Tamaki This is proba...
(because we’re on vacation, too). My husband and I loved traveling the world before we had kids, and before we found this book, the kids were not as enthusiastic about being dragged around to unfamiliar places. We will be buying the rest of the books in the collection and filling up...
This is a small booklet which can be easily carried while traveling. Explanations are short with pictures on all pages. Kids get a glimpse at China's major cities, all from traditional Hutongs to the Maglev train, as they learn about Pandas, the Three Gorges Dam, the Terracotta Army... ...