Description About The Author EXCERPTS COMING SOON! Tens of thousands of books have been published on the Civil War. Keeping track of what books are available, and whether they are worthwhile, is an impossible task. Books on the American Civil War: A Critical Bibliography by Walter Westcote,... Enter the keywords you are looking for and the site will be searched and all occurances of your request will be displayed. You can also enter a date format, April 19,1862 or September 1864. Grant Rises in the West ...
“It’s about the period of American history between Abraham Lincoln’s election and the beginning of the American Civil War. (Note that in the UK, the book’s subtitle is: ‘Abraham Lincoln and America’s Road to Civil War’: this is not a story we are as familiar with on this side...
It's been more than 100 years since World War I ended, but there is still very little consensus about what caused it, or what its consequences were. HistorianJonathan Bofftalks us through the latest books and best modern interpretations of World War I. ...
Garnet Wolseley(1862):The American Civil War: An English View ‘The slaves in large towns are inferior in moral character to those upon plantations; and amongst the former there is always a large admixture of white blood, which is very rare...
This year,at a timewhenthe UnitedStates is in themidstof renewed prosperity and againin a conservative frame of mind, the bicentennial of Hamilton's birthisbeingcelebrated. Theoccasion hasalready produced valuable studies. Professor Hacker'svolume,AlexanderHamilton in the AmericanTradition, is ...
Washington saw the Potomac as the answer to creating less expensive canal transportation to the Ohio River area and also as the means to assure that western states stayed allied with the Union. TB25674 $25.00 Alsberg, Henry G. (Editor): The American Guide A Source Book and Complete Travel...
the movements of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hope Stanley and the degree of intimacy that existed between them and young Rowlands. For some years Stanley led a roving life, as a soldier in theAmerican Civil War, a seaman on merchant ships and in the U.S. Navy, and a journalist in the early...
WhenItalydeclared war in 1915 Stanislaus was interned as aprisoner-of-war, but James and his family were allowed to go toZürich. At first, while he gave private lessons in English and worked on the early chapters ofUlysses—which he had first thought of as anothershort storyabout a “Mr...
Making Sense of the Great War The Great Plague Scare of 1720 Mussolini's Nation-Empire Coalitions of the Weak The Fate of the Jews in the Early Islamic Near East The War People University of North Carolina Press Books Bundok Sex and the Civil War ...