The first time round I abandoned it early on, before page 22 for sure, because I certainly would have remembered the erotic dream sequence between Larissa and her (so far) platonic (and also married) arms-length lover Harry, if I’d gotten that far along. This book was recommended to me...
She’s dealing with the very conflicting desires of working to advance social justice causes in her career as a defense attorney, while still maintaining relationships with her Southern, old-money, racist family in order to facilitate career connections to better take care of her clients. She hat...
My wife, when she read the manuscript, said “You’ve never written anything about a character who’s so much like you.” She’s passive-aggressive, while Ove’s active-aggressive. I wanted to write a coming -of-age story, this great adventure where someone leaves their home, but those...
This book is compiled from talks and writings on theosophy and its applicability to living the mystic life, to education, prison reform, and the problems of society and human relationships. KT's great objective throughout the many varied activities she undertook was to make theosophy "immensely ...
One senses that Grossman fell a bit in love with his creation, in a sweetly Platonic way. (“You don’t want to screw me and you know it. You and me,” she tells an office confidante, “I was a grown-up daughter — you could have fun with just walking on the edge of sex, pla...
What's Attached about? Attached (2010) is all about how to make your relationships work. This book offers you valuable insight into the science of adult attachment and how to use this insight in everyday life, whether you’re in a committed relationship or are still looking for love. It ...
Other themes in the storyline include intergenerational trauma, the lingering effects of racism, figuring out how to heal from the past, accepting love (both romantic and platonic), and, interestingly enough, the many differences between aquatic and land-based organisms. ...
I really do enjoy a story that takes place over a period of time and seeing how the characters and their relationships change with them, and this book is an excellent example of that.That being said, I feel like there was a portion of the book where my interest level dropped a little ...
Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make—and Keep—Friends By Marisa G. Franco A psychologist and University of Maryland professor provides a clear and actionable blueprint for forging strong, lasting connections with others—and for becoming our happiest, most fulfilled selves in...
One senses that Grossman fell a bit in love with his creation, in a sweetly Platonic way. (“You don’t want to screw me and you know it. You and me,” she tells an office confidante, “I was a grown-up daughter — you could have fun with just walking on the edge of sex, pla...