In The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls tells the story of her own life growing up with three siblings and a set of demanding, non-conformist parents. Her father spent her childhood either drinking himself into a stupor or sparking his children’s imaginations by teaching them about physics and ...
Ramniklal Shah: An Early Studio Pioneer 100th book!Autobiography of a Moderately Unknown Indian-American Hindi Films: The Stars Of 1941-42 Films: Part 5 Dreams Alone Survive Believe it or not (The story of an Unsung Inventor of Color Cinematographic Process) ...
‘n’ Roll & Comic Books Taught Me All I Know by Rob Errera is a collection of essays spanning topics as diverse as The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman on Broadway, Wu Tang Clan, professional sports, unprofessional parenting, questionable life choices, fake nostalgia, literary idols, science fiction...
Between 1966 and 1970, Emmett Williams (1925-2007) was the editor, with Dick Higgins, of Something Else Press, which published a large number of books by artists linked with the Fluxus movement. A pioneer from the Fifties of a new form of poetry called “Concrete Poetry”, in reference to...
I absolutely have loved books my whole life, because I enjoy being transported to different worlds and experiences, as well as learning new things. I read as much non-fiction as I read fiction. There are too many favorite books and authors to name, but for example, some of the many adul...
La Douleurcollects six texts, two straight memoir, two autobiographical fiction, two wholly fictional, so the book’s American title is somewhat misleading. In addition, the texts are presented not in chronological order, but — in my opinion, at least — in order of merit, and the first th...
Red Rose: A Novel Based on the Life of Emma Goldman (“Red Emma”), by Ethel Mannin London: Jarrolds, 1941 Joanna Pocock is a British-Canadian writer currently living in London. Her work of creative non-fiction, Surrender: The Call of the American West, won the Fitzcarraldo Editions ...
As a 30-year-old, Little House in the Big Woods does read like an instruction manual for the pioneer lifestyle and like an instruction manual to raise good little boys and girls. A bit didactic. At this point in my life, I prefer my stories to be subtler. (Of course, I couldn’t...
Some of them sold well over 50,000 copies – more than 200,000 in the case of Berton’s chest-thumping tomes about the War of 1812, the building of a transnational railway or the Klondike Gold Rush. A non-fiction writer could cover research costs and make a decent living from a ...
1. Life... Full of Commas Gourahari Das Works as the Feature Editor of Sambad and the Editor of Katha, Gourahari Das has about fifty-one books to his credit. Many of his short stories have been translated into English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu and Marathi. Some of them have also be...