Read 1 War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy Read 2 Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev Read 3 The White Guard by Mikhail Bulgakov Read 4 The First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Read 5 Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin They're among the finest novels ever written, often vast in th...
And the ones that got away … War and Peace (Leo Tolstoy), Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts) and Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel) I hate not finishing books. I mean, I’ve read some seriously bad books to the bitter end just because I couldn’t leave them uncompleted. But these three I hav...
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy The Death of Ivan Ilyich and other stories by Leo Tolstoy The Thousand and One Nights The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Ramayana by Valmiki The Aeneid (English) by Virgil Leaves of grass by Walt Whitman ...
With stunning watercolors and a text that resounds with universal truths, this timeless fable for young readers is based on a story by Leo Tolstoy. Paperback Book Those Shoes Grades 2 - 4 $6.71$8.95 save to wishlist All Jeremy wants is a pair of shoes like the ones everyone at school se...
复活Resurrection列夫·托尔斯泰Leo TolstoyResurrection , first published in 1899, was the last novel written by Leo Tolstoy.《复活》是俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰创作的最后一部长篇小说,首次出版于1899年。The book is the last of his major long fiction works published in his lifetime. Tolstoy intended the ...
C. S. Lewis, Elizabeth Goudge, Leo Tolstoy, Jane Tyson Clement, André Trocmé, Ger Koopman, Ruth Sawyer and Selma Lagerlöf A treasury of read-aloud tales selected for their spiritual value and literary integrity. Everyone who believes Easter is about more than bunnies and... Read More To...
By:Leo Tolstoy(1828-1910) Leo Tolstoy's "Boyhood" is a captivating coming-of-age story that follows the protagonist, Nikolai Irtenev, as he navigates the challenges and complexities of growing up. Set in 19th century Russia, the novel provides a nuanced exploration of adolescence, identity, ...
Drawing on declassified Central Intelligence Agency files and the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) archives held at the University of Chicago, this essay investigates how the CIA and its cover organizations sought to manipulate the legacy of Leo Tolstoy as part of the larger Cult...
Russian author Leo Tolstoy wrote the acclaimed novels 'War and Peace,' 'Anna Karenina' and 'The Death of Ivan Ilyich,' and ranks among the world's top writers.
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson ...