Together, the two friends are the Mighty Knights of Right and Honour, knights errant who look for wrongs to right in fantastical lands inhabited by strange creatures ruled by kings and queens. Like the Narnia adventures, these domains lie just beyond our everyday world, but unlike those books...
Epic tale of kings, queens, magic, super humans, warriors, and spies. The author asks for your e-mail address to start reading. OF RENEGADES * * *Emma Gabor 60% of the story is there. To read the rest, follow instrucions...
Swift also makes you see the processes of history that are nothing to do with kings, queens and prime ministers. There’s a quote that captures this: “So forget, indeed, your revolutions, your turning points, your grand metamorphoses of history. Consider, instead, the slow and arduous proce...
The Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff Memphis by Tara M Stringfellow Continue reading → 4 Comments Filed under Books Tagged as Book, Book Awards, Fiction, Literary Awards, Literary Fiction, News, Novels, Women's Prize for Fiction, Women’s Prize for Fiction 2023 July 28, 2022 · 6:47 pm ...
Solved: Kings and Queens K45: Koala bear in airplane koala bear in airplane wearing a parachute sees the lights of Paris. Sepia illustration. Probably published mid "30's to 40,s.K46: Kitten with Ribbons Solved: Big Little Kitty
Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves? ‘Some kings make themselves. Robert did.’ (Jorah) ‘He was no true King,’ Dany said scornfully. ‘He did no justice. Justice… that’s what kings are for’. This isolation paranoia ...
there are kings and queens and war, a slow burn love interest and the main character is also grappling with a greater internal struggle, haunted by the past which is teased out throughout the story. The Young Adult Fantasy genre is immersive and transportive. There is so much to enjoy, ...
Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves? ‘Some kings make themselves. Robert did.’ (Jorah) ‘He was no true King,’ Dany said scornfully. ‘He did no justice. Justice… that’s what kings are for’. This isolation paranoia ...
We’re back with Quentin and the other kings and queens of Fillory. Quentin is bored with his job as king of smooth-running Fillory and he is desperate for any kind of adventure. So when it is discovered that the Outer Island doesn’t pay tax to the kingdom, he decides to go on a...
He records his experiences and emotions in this fictional journal. At the camp, residents lived like prisoners, with barbed wire and armed guards everywhere. He writes about the sadness and frustrations of life in the camp, but also about some positive things, like playing on the camp ...