I love this book, not least for the zillion writers and religious thinkers I find in it, among them Dickens, Melville, Jonathan Edwards, Increase Mather, Jimmy Swaggart, and Walker Percy. The plot is straight out of On the Road with the same moral risk and ambiguities and the prose is ...
don't set out to do it, necessarily. i'm just i'm not interested in people that i'm not interested in. i'm not interested in putting something forth for no reason. i hate writing setup lines. i do it, of course. i commit every sin. i'm like the jimmy swaggart of writing. ...
Jones may have refused Clinton, and neither may ever have met the Rev Jimmy Swaggart, but the latter's combination of eloquence, evangelism and evasion makes him a major model for Hamilton's portrait of the president. In Swaggart's "Dragon Lady" wife Frances, who cannily "feels the pain"...
Another reporter from USA Today writes, "He was the evangelist who did not rip off millions (Jim Bakker) or run with prostitutes (Jimmy Swaggart) or build a megachurch (Joel Osteen) or run for president (Pat Robertson) or run a Christian political lobby (Jerry Falwell)." Graham's ...
Open-Ended Conflict “Islam is and always has been a religion of intolerance, a jihad without an end” (Serge Trifkovic,The Sword of the Prophet, p. 138).
Christian faith is all-encompassing, not just about going to church once a week, not just about worship or prayer or Bible reading, but is a full-orbed worldview and way of life. The Bible repeatedly reminds us that “The Earth is the Lords” and that God “so loved the world” and...