Forget about “artist’s book”, “bookwork”, “book art” and all that terminological fol de rol. Rutherford Witthus offers a new categorical puzzle: scholarship as art, art as scholarship. LikeTRAIANUS(2023), this homage to Galileo finds a form that not only reproduces an image of his...
Here historian of science Paula Findlen, a professor at Stanford University, explains the endless fascination of Galileo Galilei, the Renaissance man who turned a telescope to the sky and took the world by storm, and recommends the best books to start learning more about him. Physics Books ...
made more intimate by the viewer’s having to construct the chapel. Made monumental by the echo of typographic history, made more monumental in Galileo Galilei’s echo from its floor:Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has
阅读理解B About 200 books valued at over E2.5 million were discovered under the floor of a home in Romania, a European country, on September 18. This find marked the end of three years of search, after a group of thieves stole the books in London.Among the books were valuable ones from...
Scientists likeCopernicusandGalileo Galileiwere first and foremost seekers of truth in scientific knowledge and methods. Religious leaders such as Tyndale, along withThomas More,Martin Luther, andJohn Calvinfit into the same category—not simply part of a revolution but because of their devotion to ...
三、 任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)题目:找回珍贵的被盗书体裁:记叙文建议用时:7分钟评价:/5About 200 books valued at over £2. 5 million were discovered under the floor of a home in Romania, a European country. This find marked the end of three years of search, after a group of ...
GALILEI, Galileo (1564-1642). Il
Leben des Galilei Life of Galileo 1943—German Der Kaukasische Kreidekreis The Caucasian Chalk Circle 1948—German Arthur Schnitzler Plays —German Stories —German Frank Wedekind Erdgeist Earth Spirit 1895; first of the two Lulu Plays—German Die Büchse der Pandora Pandora's Box 1904; ...
or lunatics turned out to be correct. Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642), to name just one, was forced by his country and church to recant his theories. He lived the rest of his life under house arrest. Nevertheless, he wrote books of his theories while in captivity, those theories were la...
阅读理解 For most of us,we thought that Galileo Galilei was the inventor of telescope because this is what our science teachers have told us and^this is what wv have read in our books.But truth is that we are wrong because even if Galileo was one of the