Edgar Cayce became known as "the sleeping prophet" because he provided information to people seeking his help after putting himself in a trance. This modest man, who died in 1945, gave "life readings" to people in which he told them of past lives, often lives in ancient Atlantis. Many b...
the Edgar Cayce Primer is a good buy. If you want to know what Edgar Cayce actually said, it’s not. There’s definitely room in the market for a book that introduces the sleeping prophet in his own words. Though, I have to admit, his words do often sound rather dated. In other w...
Cayce, EdgarCelticChakrasChannelingChopra, DeepakChristianityClairvoyanceConspiraciesCourse in MiraclesCrop CirclesCrowley, AleisterCryptozoologyCrystals & GemsCults & SectsDead Sea ScrollsDemonologyDisastersDivinationDowsingDreamsEarth ChangesEaster IslandEastern ReligionElectional AstrologyEnd of the WorldEnergywork...
Spiritual teachers Edgar Cayce Jiddu Krishnamurti Ken Wilber Pema Chodron As One Is: To Free the Mind from All Conditioning The essence of Krishnamurti’s teachings: confront your conditionings and overcome them. Not through a method, but by observing. Jiddu Krishnamurti is world famous for his a...
‘spirit photographer’, William Mumler over on Washington Street for a photo of her with Abe’s ghost. The Boston Planchette, a prototype of the Ouija board, appeared in the 1860s. Walsh makes an interesting, if somewhat tenuous, connection between the spiritualist Edgar Cayce and the rise ...
Ahura Mazda Find here selected list of books on Zoroastrianism, life and teachings of Zoroaster or Zarathushtra, Zoroastrian beliefs, Zend Avesta, Parsees, Indo Iranian connection, ancient history, Persia and more. Books on Zoroastrianism by Category ...
The “Akashic Records” chapter was even better. Edgar Cayce work gave me some understanding but a very different expectation. Eric’s description is much richer and more detailed, including some information about how might try to approach this kind of knowledge yourself. I can only imagine how...
Edgar Cayce: Modern Prophet: Edgar Cayce on Prophecy; Religion and Psychic Experience; Mysteries of the Mind; Reincarnation Edgar Evans Cayce Out of Stock The ancient secret of the flower of life. Volume II Drunvalo Melchizedek from $13.19 Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation...
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is known to millions today as the grandfather of the new age. A medical clairvoyant, psychic, and Christian mystic, Cayce provided medical, psychological, and spiritual advice to thousands of people who swore by the effectiveness of his trance-based readings. But Cayce ...
starting in January, because the rains finally came to turn the so called “Golden” State of dried brown hills into a brief state of “Green,” lasing about three months before it all dried out again, inviting fires, especially when the Santa Ana winds began to blow by late summer throug...