“A Million Little Pieces”by James Frey is a gripping and controversial memoir that chronicles the author’s harrowing journey through addiction and recovery. Frey recounts his descent into substance abuse, detailing his close encounters and struggles with alcoholism and drug addiction, including coca...
The Addicted Lawyer is the first book tackling the issue of problematic alcohol and drug use in the legal profession and law school with both intimate stories of addiction recovery and redemption (the author’s included) combined with compelling and valuable advice. This is a must-read for lawye...
I've lived in fear of being lynched, beaten, or shot to death by white supremacists or white police officers. Nothing, however—not even encounters with racism—prepared me for twenty years of drug addiction. Addiction and mental illness struck within me. Racism attacked from outside of me....
A list of books about addiction is presented, including "Off the Hook: Coping With Addiction Series," "Women's Drug Use in Everyday Life" and "Understanding You Inner Child and Overcoming Addiction: A Recovery Manual and Workbook."Addiction...
On a similar theme, I read a brilliant review ofThe Outrunby Amy LiptrotonWhatCathyReadNext’s blogthis week so I’m definitely going to be adding this book to my TBR. I find books about addiction and recovery really interesting and helpful so I’m keen to get to this one. ...
shame and pain associated with the disease of addiction that often acts as the glue that holds addiction in its place. With 25 years of continuous and happy recovery under her belt, Cathi’s experience becomes a beacon of hope for still suffering addicts, addicts in recovery, as well as the...
Drug Legalization and Regulation Ecological Issues Eco-Crisis, Spirituality, and Addiction Addiction, Environmental Crisis, and Global Capitalism Recovery from Addiction: The Role of Spirituality and the Planet Earth Rat Park Cocaine Reviews and Critiques Harm Reduction "Behavioural Addictions"...
Best Addiction Recovery Books For Women Books for womenoffer insights about various issues, situations, or conditions women face and advise how women can navigate such issues. Below are the top pick for women. Best Chick Lit Books For Women ...
Subjects:Drug abuseDrug addictsDrug addicts - Rehabilitation Summary:Stories from survivors explain how they got addicted to drugs, drug addiction's negative consequences on their lives, and how they got on the road to recovery. Priority:Item No:Comment: ...
A TRUE STORY OF ADDICTION, SURVIVAL & RECOVERY “A snapshot of the hell I endured in order to be free from an addiction that had broken me completely… inside and out.” “I have worked with and detoxed more than 12,000 patients and your case is probably the worst I have ever seen...