Mostly people who have always been curious about it for one reason or another and decided to take the plunge. Also, I think it attracts people with new found time on their hands: divorce, unemployment, widowhood, empty nest, all kinds of life transitions might be responsible for some people...
When her father finds out, he wants a divorce. Miaomiao tries to accept that she is the daughter of a fairy, and gradually comes to appreciate her mother’s fairy qualities, such as her ability to fly. However, divorce is far harder for her to accept. She makes several attempts to ...
Katie Kitamura on Marriage (and Divorce) in Literature Katie Kitamura, Journalist Buy now Listen now As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner Read expert recommendations “Actually, thinking about it now, I would have liked to put As I Lay Dying (1930) on here, not least because it’s also...
Check out our guide to the best books on divorce for parents. Use them to gain the strategies you need to navigate this process with your kids well.
AllSocial IssuesAdjusting to New SurroundingsBeing a TeenDating & IntimacyDeath & LossDivorce, Seperation, Single ParentDrug Use & AbuseFamilyFriendship Gay & LesbianGrowing UpOrphansPregnacyPrejudiceSexual AbuseSocial Situations Special NeedsViolence Age & Grade Ranges AllJunior High School and Up 10t...
5 Easy Steps for Effective Conversations, Validating Her Feelings and Improving … Communication with Your Partner Book 1) by Vivienne Daniels. Price: Free. Genre: Communication & Social Skills Self-Help eBooks, Divorce. Rated: 4.7 stars on 9 Reviews. 152 pages. ASIN: B0DVT47HH2. *Less ...
Leo asks her what she wants. “‘A speedy way off this island and an even speedier divorce!’ she flicked out, then turned to walk back to the house.” Deal, he agreed, in exchange for one more night in my bed.” He pushes and pushes until finally Natasha sinks down on the steps...
**One Night with a Millionaire (Daring Divorcees Book 1) by Shannyn Schroeder. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Romance, Later in Life Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 61 Reviews. 298 pages. ASIN: B0CXPSKHTS. *(Box Set Deal, Not Free) Age Of Chaos – The Complete Series – First Genera...
25+ Fun Halloween Books for Kids Who Don't Like to Be ScaredScholastic Parent & Child Magazine Martha Stewart’s First Book Finds New FansThe New York Times GRANDMA BETSY’S BOOK CORNER: Children’s books make Lewis & Clark history funPark Rapids Enterprise ...
“When a tragedy strikes in the form of a death or a life-changing illness or an accident, or when our lives are suddenly turned upside-down due to a divorce or other major life event, we need to grieve the loss of our old lives, our old ‘normal,’ our younger, more carefree, an...