In medieval studies, the personal ownership and use of spiritual works by cloistered women as well as their participation in book production remain largely terra ignota. Apart from the lives and works of a few outstanding individuals who achieved recognition as saints and/or mystics, scholars know...
“Centering prayer, spiritual direction, retreats, and meditation sat quiet for centuries, largely reserved for “experts,” the cloistered, monks or nuns or dedicated oblates and pilgrims deep inside all of our traditions. Now, even as many Western monastic communities in their traditional forms ar...
Giacoma is not mentioned at all. In Saint Bonaventure’s biography, written a few years later, her role is downgraded and the story of her presence at Francesco’s death is omitted. Historian Jacques Dalarun suggests that Bonaventure “exalted Clare, the cloistered nun...
watchful gaze of the nuns. Seeking to break from the cloistered atmosphere two of the students – Louisa and Victoria – quickly become infatuated with their young, bohemian art teacher, and act out passionately as a result. That is, until he and Louisa suddenly disappear. ...
FOR ONE SERIOUSLY INTRIGUED BY THE MONASTIC LIFE OF NUNS OR OTHER MONASTICS Dedicated to God: An Oral History of Cloistered Nuns Abbie Reese (Oxford University Press) $34.95 Yes, this is a beautifully researched, amazing contribution published by one of the most prestigious publishers in the worl...
In medieval studies, the personal ownership and use of spiritual works by cloistered women as well as their participation in book production remain largely terra ignota. Apart from the lives and works of a few outstanding individuals who achieved recognition as saints and/or mystics, scholars know...
Barbara Newman’s consideration of medieval holy women’s engagement with Purgatory particularly associates questions about damnation with semi-religious women and other women not living in cloistered communities (Newman 1995, p. 135). Dyan Elliott calls into question any actual subversion of the ...