This book won the 5th Feng Zikai Award, and has won many other awards. The author/illustrator spent two years in the mountains of Yunnan, in southwest China, learning about terrace farming and life. Beautifully illustrated, and presented according to the 24 solar terms, this is an exceptional...
“The Sheep’s Grass” by Chen Cheng (“Shaonian wenyi” zazhishe) // 陈澄 : 《羊的草》(《少年文艺》杂志社) Best Picture Books of the Year “City on Fire 1938”, by Cai Gao, illus. by Cai Gao and Xiao Aozi (Hunan shaonian ertong chubanshe) — A wordless picture book about the...
includingLinkedInandTwitter. You can find all my research onResearchGate, and I occasionally share insights from the data science trenches in the industry onMedium. I warmly invite you to connect with me and help spread the word about the fascinating...
1) Chen Yun and the Collation of Ancient Books 陈云与古籍整理2) Cataloguing and Studying the Ancient Books 古籍整理与研究3) ancient book collation 古籍整理 1. Such phenomena show us the great importance of carrying out research on the interchangeable words with relation to ancient book ...
About Tsaparang I have already spoken in my diary of the travel of 1933 (1). There is no need to repeat here what I have already said or to describe the region again. It is useful only to remember that the place is an immense ruin today (Plate I). Only the temples remain of .it...
Writtenby DoraChen; published by Guangming DailyPublishing House This book gives an account about the life of the author and her family in Germany.she found many differences in Chinese-style education and traditional German education while bringing up her two children.By adopting some German educatio...
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About We ask experts to recommend the five best books in their subject and explain their selection in an interview. This site has an archive of more than one thousand seven hundred interviews, or eight thousand book recommendations. We publish at least two new interviews per week. Five Books ...
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Prickly Paradigm Press: "devoted to giving serious authors free rein to say what's right and what's wrong about their disciplines and about the world". ELKINS, James: What Happened to Art Criticism ? (B) FISKESJÖ Magnus: The Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon, the Death of Teddy's Bear, ...