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Book Previews The Great Fall 2024 Book Preview Editor-10.3.2024 Reviews The Patron Saint of Surf Lit Gets His Due Dan Reiter-11.20.2024 Person to Person Ayad Akhtar Wants Writers to Reckon with AI Ronald K. Fried-11.14.2024 Reviews
Simone Hufana admits she’s pretty bad at time management. But give her a break—she’s only 19. She’s currently taking the semester off college to dive full-time into her business, Color Herstory. Her coloring books introduce young girls to the amazing
Simone Hufana admits she’s pretty bad at time management. But give her a break—she’s only 19. She’s currently taking the semester off college to dive full-time into her business, Color Herstory. Her coloring books introduce young girls to the amazing
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Millions of books: a fableAnnals of Dyslexia -doi:10.1007/BF02928423Springer USBulletin of the Orton Society
” I think that’s true. Very few of my friends or family know or even care about eastern Congo. Millions upon millions have died there in the past thirty years. Most preventable deaths. But no one cares. This is one of the reasons I am occasionally depressed. These kinds of ideas ...
Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism is the influential leader in history. His teachings stress upon equality, love, humility, and selflessness continue to inspire millions all over the world. His teachings have transcended eras, many centuries. This is about connecting with a philosophy rooted...
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