BookerT.Washingtonvs.W.E.B.DuBois One-thirdofthepopulationoftheSouthis...Negro[and] whatever...sinstheSouthmaybecalledtobear,whenit comestobusiness,pureandsimple,itisintheSouththatthe Negroisgivenaman'schanceinthe[business]world... Ourgreatestdangeristhatinthegreatleapfromslaveryto freedomwemayove...
He became the most important black protest leader of the first half of the 20th century. His views clashed with Booker T. Washington, who felt that the black people of America had to simply accept discrimination, and hope to eventually earn respect and equality through hard work and success....
Who Was Booker T. Washington? Born into slavery, Booker T. Washington put himself through school and became a teacher after the Civil War. In 1881, he founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama (now known as Tuskegee University), which grew immensely and focused on trainin...
Cory Booker was born on April 27, 1969, in Washington, D.C., to affluent civil rights activists. He attended prestigious schools, including Stanford University and Yale Law School, and went on to become a politician in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Vowing to reduce the crime rate there...