Zen Buddhism has a storied history—Bodhidharma sitting in meditation in a cave for nine years; a would-be disciple cutting off his own arm to get the master’s attention; the proliferating schools and intense Dharma combat of the Tang and Song dynasties; Zen nuns and laypeople holding their...
SHôYôROKU (Book of Equanimity) Main Cases Contents CASE 1: The World-Honored One Ascends the Rostrum –See Hekiganroku Case 92 CASE 2: Bodhidharma's "Vast and Void" –See Hekiganroku Case 1 CASE 3: The Indian King Invites the Patriarch CASE 4: The World-Honored One Points to the...
Written by:Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki Published by:Unknown Publisher Edition:First Available in:Ebook Manual of Zen Buddhism by D. T. Suzuki featured on the Buddha Podcast
it begins the myth of Zen not depending on “words and letters” which was picked up in a later story about the legendary Bodhidharma, the first Chinese patriarch who is
This is why Bodhidharma said, 'Nirvana has no saints,' and this is why Zhu Xi, late in life, said that he regretted not losing his sight earlier. Thus, Wang Yangming, after he went to live among the barbarians, taught the broad-minded first" (Yan Fu ji, vol. 2, pp. 237 238)....
Intheyear527,anIndianmonk(和尚)namedBodhidharma(菩提达摩)wenttoShaolinTemple.HefoundthemonkstherewereweaksohedecidedtoteachthemKungfutokeeptheirbodiesstrong. AttheendofSuiDynasty,someShaolinmonkshelpedLiShiminwinawar.Inreturnforthat,hegavealotoflandtothetemple.Afterthat,ShaolinTempleandShaolinKungfubecamefamou...
Heiswell-knownforhisnine-yearmeditation(冥想,禅定)whilesittingdownfacingthewallinacave.Bodhidharma Sincethen,Dharmahasbeenregardedasthefirstreverend(可尊敬的)originator(开山祖师)ofChineseChan.Bodhidharma OneofmyfriendsisamazedbyZen.QuestionButwhatisZenorChan,asyoucallit,mainlyabout?
Heiswell-knownforhisnine-yearmeditation(冥想,禅定)whilesittingdownfacingthewallinacave.Bodhidharma Sincethen,Dharmahasbeenregardedasthefirstreverend(可尊敬的)originator(开山祖师)ofChineseChan.Bodhidharma OneofmyfriendsisamazedbyZen.QuestionButwhatisZenorChan,asyoucallit,mainlyabout? Goodquestion.Chancenterson...
(the Chinese word, in Pinyin romanization, for Zen) during the seventh and eight centuries. The third offers an intelligent, non-technical translation of a text seminal to the Chan tradition, theDamo lun, attributed to Bodhidharma (died 532). The fourth is a study of a source determinative ...