When Breath Becomes Air。一直对生命尽头的话题讳莫如深,机缘巧合,看到傅真推荐这本书,是一位外科医生在生命的尽头写下的。神经科医生大概是除了软件工程师外,最让我崇拜的职业了。看他们的文字,没有太多故意的煽情,冷峻的笔触,让读着产生的不是同情而是敬仰。 我可以向着软件工程师努力,却永远做不了神经外科医...
When Breath Becomes Air.Part01 2020-06-24 16:06:2271:411020 所属专辑:When Breath Becomes Air 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 Herewegoagain 060
9.When Breath Becomes Air gives an autobiography about Paul Kalanithi's experiences as a doctor and as a terminally ill patient.The book discusses Kalanithi's longtime fascination with questions of human biology,mortality (死亡率),and meaning.It then examines how these questions are heightened by...
B.When Breath Becomes Air. C.Don’t Shed Your Tears for Anyone Who Lives on These Streets. D.Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A true (as told to me) story. 3. Who is the main character in the last novel? A.Bobby Bell.B.Bess Kalb.C.Bess’s mother.D.Bobby’s mother. ...
As she approached, the air seemed to grow colder, the sound of the waves muted, as if the sea itself were holding its breath. Clara pushed open the rusted iron gate, her boots crunching on gravel as she made her way to the tower. ...
The later chapters were more engaging and felt like a breath of fresh air. Still, while I agreed with the conclusions presented, I was left wondering why this book would be important or a must-read. I haven’t come up with any answers. Looking for a good book? The Nature Fix by ...
'" cried one of them, to a sort of little, light-haired imp, with a well-favored and malign countenance, clinging to the acanthus leaves of a capital; "you are well named John of the Mill, for your two arms and your two legs have the air of four wings fluttering on the breeze. ...
Everything changes when bodies start to appear all over town, and it becomes clear that a vampire hunter may be on the lookout for the family. Can Adam and Victor reconcile their differences and work together to stop the killer before it’s too late? Double O Stephen and the Ghostly ...
The story is set on a remote island, where a robot named Roz learns to survive and communicate with the island's creatures, and becomes part of the community. For my son, it was the first book he discovered on his own; the first t...
The following stories in random order are snapshots of my life in the United States Air Force, when I joined soon after high school and continued for twenty years.If you have served with the USAF, then you may have extra appreciation, get an extra laugh, from what you read. Enjoy.–Bert...