Spotlight Is The Home Of Book Week 2024 Costumes And Ideas Children’s Book Week is a magical time when children across Australia unite to celebrate books, authors & illustrators. Children’s Book Week is an opportunity for schools to have fun and put on costume parades, reading activities, ...
Book review blog from Australia featuring young adult reviews and discussions. I started Happy Indulgence in July 2012 as a way to share my passion with others, and it has expanded into a YA book review blog encompassing a wide range of features and genres. Happy Indulgence captures how we ...
A welcome contribution. I don’t think we collectively paid enough attention to Larry Lessig ideas in “Code is Law” and what we are seeing with AI (well LLMs) affecting politics is the end result. Anyway some ideas for titles. Most of these take titles of political books, articles, tr...
I say that I’m an automotive company looking for ideas any time of the year, and I get this: There are ideas for using raffles, setting up Custom Audiences, and focusing on Messenger Ads, alongside data about how people interact with auto companies on Facebook and resources to implement ...
I’ve read it in August and plan on publishing my billet the right week. It’s set in Ireland from 1919 to 1921, up to the independence of Eire. I’m not sure I understood all the references Farrell put in his book. I’m sure I missed parallels between Troubles in 1919-1920 and ...
According to Goodreads I have read 148 books this year, but not all those I read appear there, I’ve read others that I’ll be reviewing in 2023 and some I simply didn’t like so didn’t review. In my view, there’s no point in being negative. I’m a blogger, not a critic!
This Australia-based publisher has an imprint just for children’s books called Albert Street Books, and they’re looking for books written for babies to 12 year olds. Every Friday they want to hear from writers, in a helpful event called the “Friday Pitch,” where you can pitch your ...
WeekTheRevenant wrote,“ComparedwithDiCaprio’sterribleexperiencein,RobinsonCrusoe’sseemsaseasyand comfortableasavacation.” HiseffortwasacceptedbytheAcademy.AfterhehasfinallyearnedtheUS’topactingaward,DiCaprioisnow workingharder,turningtodifferentchallenges. 1HowmanyactingnominationsdidLeonardoDiCapriowin? . A....
Hello,everyone!IamLiHua.It’smydutytogiveaspeechhere.AsthemonitorofClass1,Grade9,Iwouldliketosharemyideaswithyou.Mytopicis“Let’ssaynotobeaprocrastinator”. Passage6 (2024·江门实验中学一模) 回答问题 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题,要求所写答案语法正确,语义完整切题,并把答案写在答题...
W:IwasinMallorcalastweek. M:Oh,whatwereyoudoingthere? W:MybestfriendworkedthereandIwenttovisither.ItwasagoodchancetopracticemySpanish. Text4 M:IthinkyouhurtNancy’sfeelingsawhileago.IfIwereyou,I’dapologizetoher. W:ButIdidn’tdoanythingwrong.AllIsaidwasIdidn’tliketheideasshesuggested. M:You...