Current market price per share: Rs. 150 BVPS: Rs. 100To calculate the P/B ratio, use the formula:P/B ratio = Current market price per share / Book value per share= 150 / 100= 1.5In this example, the Price-to-Book (P/B) ratio for ABC Enterprises is 1.5. This means that the ...
book value per share算法是资产负债表中的总资产减去全部债务后的余额。再除以发行总股本。book value per share,中文名称是每股净资产,是指股东权益与总股数的比率。其计算公式为:每股净资产=(资产-负债)/ 公司已发行总股数。在基本分析(Fundamental Analysis )的各种指标中,每股净资产是判断...
作者: 【BVPS】Book Value Per Share的缩写。意为每股账面净值。 BVPS=账面净值/已发行股数=股东权益/已发行股数=(总资产-总负债)/已发行股数 股价净比值=股票价格/BVPS 若股价净比值低于1,即每股账面价值高于股票目前股价,代表市场对公司的资产定价低于其重置成本。 若股价净比值远远低于1,即每股账面价值远高于...
net asset value per share 【经】 每股净资产值 book value per rate of return 【经】 帐面价值报酬率 book value of subsidiary stock at acquisition in excess of cost 【经】 取得附属企业股权帐面价值超过成本数 相似单词 share n. 1.一份,份儿;(分担的)一部分(+in/of) 2.[C]股份;股票(+in...
Under many circumstances, there is no relation between the book value, per share and the actual value. 在许多情况下,每股帐面价值与其实际价值之间没有关系。 2. Book value per share is equal to the net assets represented by one share of stock. 每股账面价值等于每股股票代表的净资...
book value per share 每股帐面价值;每股票面价值
因为book value后面说了是per share:Book value per share 是衡量公司股票价值的,它反映了每一股股票所对应的公司净资产价值,即公司资产减去负债后的净值。 其计算公式为:Book value per share = 股东权益(Equity)/ 总股数。 Firm book value 才是是公司整体的账面价值。这两个是完全不一样的。 ---虽然现在...
Book value of equity per share effectively indicates a firm's net asset value (total assets - total liabilities) on a per-share basis. When a stock is undervalued, it will have a higher book value per share in relation to its current stock price in the market. ...
The book value per share is a company's book value for every common share outstanding. The book value is the difference between total assets and liabilities. Bank stocks tend to trade at prices below their book value per share as the prices consider the increased risks from a bank's trading...