A. 将本质上相同的研究成果改头换面发表 B. 将作出创造性贡献的人排除在作者名单之外 C. 对评价方法或结果的解释、判断错误 D. 将同一研究结果提交多个出版社机构出版或提交多个出版物发表 答案:将作出创造性贡献的人排除在作者名单之外; 将同一研究结果提交多个出版社机构出版或提交多个出版物发表; 将本质上相同...
A.Readingamagazine. B.Sendinganemail. C.Goingtobuyflowers. 15.Whydoesthemanneedsomeflowers? A.Tocelebratehisweddinganniversary. B.Tosendsomeflowerstothewoman. C.Todecoratehisownroom. 16.Howwillthemangotohishotel? A.Bycar. B.Bytaxi. C.Onfoot. ...
(only before noun) relating to or caused by heat 热的;热量的;由热引起的 The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, using thermal sensors that detect changes in body temperature. 这些机器人装备了许多传感器来识别环境条件,用热传感器检测体温的 变化。
The only way to influence people is to talk in terms of what they want If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle, as well as from your own Arouse in other person an eager want ...
11111 24.pseudo-cold and real heat 真寒假热 二句子翻译 1.The clinical manifestations of diseases, though intricate, can be analyzed with the eight principles according to the category, location and nature of disease as well as the conflict between the anti-pathogenic factors and pathogenic ...
A.Identify the main point of each section.B.Organize your notes based on these sections.C.Keep a list of the main characters or a timeline.D.Use a dictionary to look these up and then write down the definitions.E.Keep a notebook next to you while you read so you can put down your...
The Emotion Code book is designed to share this powerful and simple technique to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson’s method gives you the opportunity to learn the tools that could help you identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage,”...
The Emotion Code book is designed to share this powerful and simple technique to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson’s method gives you the opportunity to learn the tools that could help you identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage,”...
identify a broadcast message. The broadcast message she discovered stated, “Don’t trust me” which was in conflict with my past experiences where people called me trustworthy. I have never done anything untrustworthy in my job and did my best to meet the demands of the company and my ...
of years ago, if not longer. Some explanations say that in the 1700s, stray dogs were responsible for the spread of many diseases, along with rats and other gutter critters. There are also references as far back as the Bible to dogs eating their own vomit — sounds pretty s...