市账比(Market-to-Book Ratio,简称M/B)是指公司的市值与账面价值之间的比率,是判断一家公司股票投资价值的重要指标之一、市账比表示市场对公司账面净资产价值所给予的评价。 市账比的计算公式如下: 市账比=公司的市值/公司的账面价值 其中,公司的市值是指公司的总市值,即市场对公司全部股份的估值,可以通过公司当...
Market to Book Ratio(市净率)是评估公司股票市场价值相对于其账面价值的重要指标。以下是对市净率的详细解释:
Market-book ratio是市价对帐面价值比率(市场价值比率)的意思。Book-Market Ratio代表净值市价比。市场价值比率又称市价比率,是指普通股每股市价和公司盈余、每股账面价值的比率。它是销售净利率、销售毛利率、资产报酬率、股东权益报酬率这几个指标的综合反映,管理者可据以了解投资人对公司的评价。市场...
The book-to-market ratio is an effective way to determine the value of a company. It works by comparing a company’s book value to its market value. With book value, this relates to the accounting value or historical cost of the company. But the market value looks into the number of ...
news.srcinfo.com|基于3个网页 3. 账面收益率 ...的程序来中性化其它的一些风险因子,比如说股票市值、账面收益率(book-to-market ratio)或者是市盈率。 blog.sina.com.cn|基于3个网页 更多释义
P/B ratio (市净率) 直观易懂: P/B ratio直接反映了市场对公司净资产的估值倍数,易于理解和比较。 应用广泛: 在实际投资中,P/B ratio被广泛用于股票估值、行业比较和投资决策。 数据易得: 市值和净资产数据容易获取,方便计算和应用。 Book to Market Value (BM ratio,账面市值比) ...
The Market to Book Ratio, or Price to Book Ratio, is used to compare the current market value or price of a business to its book value of equity on the balance sheet.
amarket-to-book ratio(MTB) is computed as end of period price per share multiplied by the number of shares outstanding to book value of equity 市场对书比率(MTB)被计算作为期间价格的结尾每个的数量乘的份额已发行和出售的股票到产权的帐面价值[translate]...
book value is the value of assets minus the value of the liabilities. The market value of a company is the market price of one of its shares multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. The book-to-market ratio is a useful indicator forinvestorswho need to assess the value of a ...
There is no agreement as to why the book-to-market (BTM) ratio is positively related to future stock return. Behavioural finance maintains that low BTM stocks have optimistic expectations embedded in their prices and the prices of high BTM stocks are less optimistic. An alternative view is that...