用电影学英文: Raya and The Last Dragon 猫叔Barry 161次播放 1:55:02140. 用游戏学英文: Sackboy: A Big Adventure 猫叔Barry 87次播放 2:35:10141. 用剧集学英文: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 猫叔Barry 122次播放 1:24:45142. Sackboy: A Big Adventure Pt2 猫叔Barry 88次播放 2:17:...
Dragon Circle Novels Dragon Prince Novels Dragons of the Cuyahoga Dragonflight Dragonsong The Eyes of the Dragon Guards! Guards! The Hero and the Crown The Hobbit Roverandom Age Rating System Movies often have an associated rating system that identifies its appropriate age groups; however, books don...
《The Slipper & the Rose》(水晶鞋和玫瑰花) 03:53 1977《Someone's Waiting For You》出自《The Rescuers》(救难小英雄)动画片 02:48 1977《Candle on the Water》出自《Pete's Dragon》(妙妙龙) 03:05 1977《You Light Up My Life》 - Kasey Cisyk and Didi Conn - 出自(你照亮我的生命) 03:46...
英文故事磨耳朵:Red Is a Dragon:A Book of Colors Dragon Boat Festival 故事人:首图少儿馆员董万欣 端午节是中国的传统节日,除了吃粽子,还有插艾叶、戴五彩绳、赛龙舟等习俗。以中国传统文化为底色,绘本记录了一个中国小女孩的生活日常。英文原版简单易懂,韵律感十足,非常适合作为传统文化的认知绘本和英文启蒙绘...
Rebecca Yarros / 2023 / Entangled: Red Tower Books The Tropic of Serpents 评价人数不足 Brennan, Marie / Tor Books The Priory of the Orange Tree 8.7 Samantha Shannon / 2019 / Bloomsbury Publishing A Day of Fallen Night 评价人数不足 Samantha Shannon 夏曼莎·珊恩 / Bloomsbury Circus 中文&译著...
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失传的书籍 | 1.《阿格里巴》(Agrippa):由亨利·考兹(Egyptian)撰写,包含了古代巫術、天文学、神秘学、占星术等领域深奥的知识。2.《红龙》(The Red Dragon):一本十七世纪的魔法书,包含了咒语、符咒、以及召唤和压制恶魔的法术。3.《七重门》(The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage):一本十四...
From the observations of Bork the Bold to Hiccup’s additions for the Dragon Academy, this book gathers all the facts, figures, and secrets that the Vikings have learned about dragons through the ages. A necessary book for every Dragons aficionado! 价格说明 当当价:为商品的销售价,具体的成交...
The Red Dragonfly said: No, No, Autumn is as red as my belly.Crab Qianqian was puzzled whether autumn was yellow or red, and he decided to find out the answer - Let's waiting for the arrival of Autumn. 小记 秋天是人...
Red Dragon《红龙(2002)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,(马里兰州,巴尔的摩,1980年) Baltimore, Md 1980 “假如每天都是你的最后一天… LECTER: Think to yourself that every day is your last... “你并不期待的那一刻… the hour to which you do not look forward...