Though she never saw the lantern again, Marisol would sometimes wake in the night, feeling theweightof that mysterious encounter. In the shadows, she imagined a faint glow beyond her window, and the soft, hollow whisper: “Go.” Key Words & Phrases soft glow- 柔和的光芒 moonlight- 月光 c...
Charlotte, the spider, knows that the farmers are planning to kill Wilbur. She promises to make a plan to save his life. The farmers are surprised the next day when they see the words “some pig” written in the web Charlotte has made. 一个名叫夏洛的蜘蛛知道农夫们要杀掉威尔伯,她承诺要...
Charlotte, the spider, knows that the farmers are planning to kill Wilbur. She promises to make a plan to save his life. The farmers are surprised the next day when they see the words “some pig” written in the web Ch...
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For my son, it was the first book he discovered on his own; the first to impact him with the mix of tragedy(悲剧) and joy. When I finished the book, I knew why Henry loved it. In our book club discussion, he described how Brow...
the last human strangerPART TEN: the book thief“It was January 1939. She was nine years old, soon to be ten. Her brother was dead. One eye open. One still in a dream. It would be better for a complete dream, I think, but I really have no control over that.”以死神的角度来叙述...
In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written. 其次,如果阅读是一种能动的行为,那么它就是思考,而思考常常须借助口头的或书面的语言来表达。 The marked book is usually the thought-through book. 作了记号的书,通常...
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