还有一位 TikTok 用户用延时摄影记录了自己花 3 个半小时阅读该书的视频,当读到最后一页时掩面而泣,视频配文是「我崩溃了」。 使这些读者痛哭的小说名叫《阿喀琉斯之歌》(The Song of Achilles),这本书是对荷马史诗《伊利亚特》的浪漫改编,讲述了青年王子帕特罗克洛斯流亡佛提亚,与强健俊美的大英雄阿喀琉斯相...
Book Review : The Song of Achilles : On the heels of a heroReview by Allan Massie
"This is day one of me reading 'The Song of Achilles'," she says. The video jumps forward. "And this", she cries, her face stained with tears, "is me finishing it."(一位年轻女子拿起一本书, 微笑着。 “这是我读 《阿喀琉 斯之歌》的第一天,”她说。视频向前跳转。 “而这个,"她...
Start trending on BookTok, and they won't. A. Boosting sales of books. B. Introducing the topic of the text. C. Describing the woman's feellngs. D. Illustrating the book The Song ofAchilles.8. What is paragraph 1 aimed at?9. Why is It Ends With Us mentioned in paragraph 3? A....
#阿喀琉斯:不为人知的传奇#Achilles: Legends Untold 45:48 ¥298简中《龙腾世纪™: 影障守护者》11-1号发行!前三代作品1折促销!发行预告片+20分钟实机试玩; 23:19 《Aurascope》马里奥风格2d平面攀爬跳跃收集解密冒险rpg新游关注 01:30 《Aurascope》试玩;马里奥风探索跳跃攀爬解谜收集益智趣味 22:...
A young woman holds up a book and smiles, saying, “This is day one of me reading ‘The Song of Achilles’.” The video jumps forward. “And this”, she sobs, with tears on her face. “is me finishing it.” Another video, entitled “Books that will make you SOB”, offers written...
The Song of Achillesis so good, it is one of those books that makes me want to be a better reviewer so that I can do it justice, so that more people can read it. This is my attempt to sing its praises. In Greek Mythology, Achilles is one of the greatest heroes of the Trojan ...
4、 A young woman holds up a book and smiles, saying,“This is day one of me reading‘The Song of Achilles’ ."The video jumps forward. “And this” , she sobs, with tears on her face.“is me finishing it.” Another video, entitled “Books that will make you SOB”, offers wr...
Star-crossed romance and heart-pounding historical adventure meet in Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles. This special collector’s edition is introduced by classicist Emily Wilson and illustrated by Julie Dillon. When the young Prince Patroclus accidentally kills another boy his age he is ...